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Life of Brooke

  • Brooke was born

    Brooke was born
    I was born at 32 weeks, weighing 5 pounds and 2 ounces.
  • Started Preschool

    This is where I learned that I wanted to be a teacher.
  • Got a Baby Sister

    Got a Baby Sister
    I had always wanted a baby sister, I got her!
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    I graduated in the top 20 percent of my class with honors.
  • Graduated From WVWC

    Graduated From WVWC
    I graduated from West Virginia Wesleyan College with my Bachelors in Elementary Education and an Early Childhood Endorsement.
  • First Teaching Job

    I started working at the elementary school that I went to. Panther Creek Elementary was a Blue Ribbon School and was a great school to work at. I worked there and taught second grade for one year.
  • Career Change

    When I met my now fiance, he has a visually impaired son and his vision teacher had just left. I learned of the opportunity to have my masters paid for so I started looking into the program and I applied for the job. Little did I know when I applied, that I would fall in love with my career, and with my students.
  • O&M

    Because being a vision teacher just didn't seem like enough, I felt like I needed to be able to teach them Orientation and Mobility (O&M) also. So in January, while still working on my masters, I started back to school to get my O&M degree as well. This will allow me to teach students to travel safely and live independently.
  • Wedding Time

    Wedding Time
    I married my best friend and the love of my life. I have had a busy summer and even spent my wedding morning taking a test and doing homework. However, I know that in the end, it will be well worth it for our family.