
By livvys
  • 1805 BCE

    The Battle of Ulm

    The Battle of Ulm
    The battle of Ulm was a battle out of many that Napoleon Bonaparte took victory in. This battle was against the Austrian army. He succeeded by trapping the entire army including more than 25,000 people. There was not much of a major battle because Napoleon made the clever trap.
  • 1805 BCE

    The Battle of Austerlitz

    The Battle of Austerlitz
    The Battle of Austerlitz was also known as the Three Emperors and was a great military success with Napoleon. Him and his 68,000 troops killed over 90,000 Russian and Australian troops!
  • 1804 BCE

    Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic code was the civil code for France created by Napoleon Bonaparte. The code arranged of different branches and consisted of laws that made women not have as much individual rights, men have more, and children that are illegitimate has less rights.
  • 1804 BCE

    Napoleons Tax System

    Napoleons Tax System
    Before Napoleon took charge to change the tax system, the system was really unfair. Peasants were forced to pay the most. Napoleon changed that to make the taxes more balanced. He made everyone pay the same amount. This was a success for Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • 1804 BCE

    The Coronation

    The Coronation
    The Coronation is something that Napoleon Bonaparte made up and followed unlike the past kings that did not have a Coronation. The coronation was basically made for Napoleon to show his power. This Coronation took place at the Notre Dame De Paris.
  • 1802 BCE

    Education Reforms

    Education Reforms
    Napoleon Bonaparte was concerned about the education system in France so he decided he wanted to do something about it. What he wanted to do was reorganize the school system and also restart the primary school system which he accomplished.
  • 1802 BCE

    Economic Reforms

    Economic Reforms
    The French economy was horrible before Napoleon took over. This is because it got messed up because of the French Revolution. Napoleon turned it around and added important things he thought would help. For an example, he made a new commercial code, increased trade, and made fair taxes.
  • 1801 BCE

    Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII that was signed on July 15, 1801. The agreement was about religion and church. Some points that were made in the agreement were the church allowed people to practice religion publically, catholicism is the most popular religion practiced in france, and many more.
  • 1800 BCE

    Creation of the Bank of France

    Creation of the Bank of France
    Napoleon Bonaparte created the Bank of France. He thought it needed to be done because he wanted a recovery in economics. This is because it went down when they were in the revolutionary period.
  • 1800 BCE

    The Plebiscite

    The Plebiscite
    A plebiscite is a vote that a person can express their opinion on something. Napoleon made a plebiscite. The plebiscite consisted on if Napoleon was the one to play the role by being "well suited" for the 18th century education.
  • 1799 BCE

    The Battle of Mount Tabor

    The Battle of Mount Tabor
    The battle of Mount Tabor was between Napoleon and his troops and Kléber and his troops. It started with Napolean and his troops marching over to Klébers troops. The two groups fight and Klebers troops retreat and run away. Later, Napoleon finds them and takes yet another victory.
  • 1799 BCE

    Coup D'etat

    Coup D'etat
    The Coup D'etat was very important to Napoleon. Napoleon abolished the government in France and then made a completely new one! This caused him to become more famous and well known in France.