Kailynn's Timeline

  • My brother being born

    When my younger brother Gabriel was born my world changed so much. I soon had more responsibilities and no longer was the youngest child. He makes me so happy and I couldn't image my life without him.
  • Meeting my best friend

    Johnedra came to my house for my birthday and we instantly became best friends we have had so many memories together and each very special. If we didn't become friends I wouldn't be in Arkadelphia. She has helped me with so much and we just have to many memories.
  • Friendship anniversary

    All but two of my friends are long term friends. I don't like making new friends because of my anxiety. I am very to myself I don't like to be noticed. But I love all my friends and hope to be friends for a long time. Johnedra: 13 years Tearia: 12 years Myauna: 11 years Sarah: 7 years Dilica: 2 years Kayla: 2 years
  • The time I found out how sick I was

    They day I found out how sick I actually was it didn't make me upset but it's not the best news. I have a bone problem that I am still trying to fix. I have neuro problem that messes with my eyes. Also I have extreme anxiety it's really hard for me to do everyday tasks but it is easier to live with it now.
  • Becoming close with new friends

    When my sophomore school year started I was very upset because my two best friends were going to different schools. But that school year would turn out to be the best. Even though I got in trouble with Kayla Aaron and Dilicia Young it was so much fun. I skipped class so much was in iss to many times. But all for the best.