Justin Reichard's Mini-project

  • Sandwich

    The sandwich goes back much farther then 1762, but 1762 is when it got its name and became a popular meal in Western Europe and soon the rest of the world
  • Camera

    The first camera, capable of having the image it created be able to last when in contact with direct light was made by Louis Daguerre in 1839. He humbly named the camera after himself, calling it the daguerreotype. Since then camera's have made leaps and bounds in what they are capable of doing and the size of them. Camera's completely changed the way people interacted with the world when they became popular. News was never the same after they came about.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    The first handheld phone was showcased by Motorola in 1973 and it weighed nearly 4 and a half pounds. Over the years since then mobile phones have changed drastically. The first commercially available cell phone was in 1983. They have gotten smaller and more powerful since then. Adding cameras, keyboards and now touch screens. Behind the internet I would say cell phones, and smart phones in particular have had one of the greatest impacts on human life in the past 50 years.
  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth is a "short link" radio signal that was developed by Johan Ullman and Nils Rydbeck in 1989. Since then it is now a part of every smart phone that comes out or almost any electronic device. It can be used to share information from device to device or to stream music or audio from a phone to a speaker. Bluetooth got its name from Harald Bluetooth, a 10th century Danish king. The logo for Bluetooth is his name spelled with bind runes.
  • Internet

    The internet as we know it today started in 1989, when it was released for the public to use. During the late 1990's when the internet was starting to really become popular, it was gaining an estimated 100% increase in users a year. I don't think I really have to talk about how revolutionary the internet was and all that it has created. I am using it right now to do this project and with out it I would not be able to.
  • Gameboy

    The Gameboy is a handheld video game system developed and sold by Nintendo. It was not the first handheld gaming system, that goes to the Milton Bradley made by Milton Bradley in 1979. But the Gameboy was the system that made handheld gaming popular. It sold 40,000 units on its first day in America. Being able to take Tetris or Mario with you on road trips or to a friends house was a huge leap forward for video games. It also helped my parents stay sane on long car trips.