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John Dewey

  • John Dewey was born

    John Dewey was born
    John Dewey was born on October 20th, 1859. He was born in Burlington, Vt., U.S. His parents were Archibald Dewey and Lucina Artemisia Rich. John Dewey was the third of the couple’s four sons.
  • John Dewey enrolled for the University of Vermont

    John Dewey enrolled for the University of Vermont
    When John Dewey was 15, he enrolled in the University of Vermont. When he was a child, he excelled in school. The University of Vermont was his first university.
  • John Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont

    John Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont
    In 1879, John Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont at the age of 19.
  • John Dewey teaches a seminary

    John Dewey teaches a seminary
    In the Autumn of John Dewey's graduation, his cousin gave him a teaching job at a seminary in Oil City, Pennsylvania.
  • John Dewey loses his teaching position

    John Dewey loses his teaching position
    2 years after John Dewey got his job at the seminary, he lost his teaching position due to his cousin resigning as principal of the seminary.
  • John Dewey goes back to Vermont

    John Dewey goes back to Vermont
    After John Dewey lost his teaching career in the seminary. He went back to Vermont to teach at a private school. During his free time, he would study more about philosophy and psychology. Then his interests about it started to grow.
  • John Dewey receives a doctorate degree

    John Dewey receives a doctorate degree
    In 1884, John Dewey receives a doctorate degree from John Hopkins University.
  • John Dewey is hired as assistant professor

    John Dewey is hired as assistant professor
    After John Dewey received his doctorate degree, he went to Michigan and became an assistant professor at the University of Michigan,
  • John Dewey got married

    John Dewey got married
    In 1886, John Dewey got married to Harriet Alice Chipman. Over the course of their marriage, they had six children and one adopted child.
  • "Psychology" Book

    "Psychology" Book
    In 1887, John Dewey published his first book, "Psychology".
  • John Dewey and his family left Michigan

    John Dewey and his family left Michigan
    John Dewey and his family left Michigan for the University of Minnesota, where he was a professor of philosophy.
  • John Dewey published his second book

    John Dewey published his second book
    In 1888, John Dewey published his second book "Leibniz’s New Essays Concerning the Human Understanding".
  • John Dewey returns to Michigan

    John Dewey returns to Michigan
    After a year at the University of Minnesota, John Dewey and his family return to the University of Michigan.
  • John Dewey in the University of Chicago

    John Dewey in the University of Chicago
    Dewey was made the head of the philosophy department at the University of Chicago. 
  • Experimental primary school

    Experimental primary school
    In 1894, John Dewey and his wife Harriet started their own experimental primary school, the University Elementary School, at the University of Chicago. His goal was to test his educational theories.
  • John Dewey left Chicago

    John Dewey left Chicago
    John Dewey left Chicago in 1904 to join the Ivy League, becoming a professor of philosophy at Columbia University while working at Teachers College on the side.
  • Period: to

    John Dewey traveled the world

    John Dewey taught at imperial institutes in Japan and spent 2 years teaching at universities in China.
  • The New School For Social Research

    The New School For Social Research
    In 1919, John Dewey and his colleagues Charles Beard, Thorstein Veblen, James Harvey Robinson and Wesley Clair Mitchell, founded The New School for Social Research
  • John Dewey went to Turkey

    John Dewey went to Turkey
    John Dewey went to Turkey to study the schools and 2 years later he visited the University of Mexico.
  • League For Independent Political Action

    League For Independent Political Action
    In 1929, John Dewey helped organize the League for Independent Political Action hoping of creating a new political party. He was also an editor of the New Republic magazine and helped found both the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Association of University Professors
  • John Dewey's wife passes away

    John Dewey's wife passes away
    Harriet, John Dewey's wife died.
  • John Dewey went to the Soviet Union

    John Dewey went to the Soviet Union
    John Dewey went to the Soviet Union because he was amazed by experiments in the Russian educational system. When he returned to the U.S he told his colleagues about his discovery. His discovery was that education should focus mainly on students’ interactions with the present. But John Dewey still believed about learning about the past.
  • John Dewey Retires

    John Dewey Retires
    In 1930, John Dewey left Columbia and retired from his teaching career with the title of professor emeritus.
  • John Dewey helped politicians

    John Dewey helped politicians
    In 1946, John Dewey tried to help labor leaders establish a new political party, the People’s Party, for the 1948 presidential elections.
  • John Dewey is Married again

    John Dewey is Married again
    In 1946, John Dewey which was 87 years old, is remarried to a widow named Roberta Grant.
  • John Dewey Dies

    John Dewey Dies
    On June 1, 1952, John Dewey died of pneumonia at the age of 92 in the his New York City apartment.