Biography 3sm   copy

Johanna´s Biography: Some of me for share with you

  • My Birth: The First Baby in the Family

    My Birth: The First Baby in the Family
    I was born a Wednesday, in October 23. I was Born at 2.10 pm in Hospital Leon XIII. I was the first baby in the family, so I received a lot visits to know me. At that time didn't exist the ecography, so my parents didn't know the gender of the baby. My mom hoped a man and She believed in that, so she had ready all clothes for the baby in color blue.
  • My Brother

    My Brother
    My Brother is 4 years younger than me. My mom says that I wanted a brother with all forces of my heart. His name is Diego, his hobbie is know how they did a thing, he destroys and He fixes any object. He always have been a special brother, He is lofty and very smart.
  • My Father

    My Father
    My Father was very responsible and hard-worker man. Unfortunately my Father was killed during the Period of violence of Medellin with Pablo Escobar. I was 7 years old and my Brother was 3 years old. My mom and my Father were married by 8 years.
  • My carrer: International Bussiness

    My carrer: International Bussiness
    When I finish my high school I wanted to study medicine, I did the exams of entry of Universidad de Antioquia and I didn't pass. A uncle suggested me study a International businesses and I started to study it at ESUMER, really I did it for don't lose time , and now I am sure that it was a best decision, because this carreer have a lot scopes , so you can find job in many areas and you can connect many countries and cultures through the businesses.
  • Marriage

    I have been married by almost 4 years. This day was one of days more happy of my life. I was very anxious for share my life with my husband. We had a relationship by 7 years, we met us in the university, I used to do my homeworks in the system room of the university and in this time He was doing the practice in this room, so all days we saw; one day we had a dating and now we are a couple.
  • Plans for the future

    Plans for the future
    The last year I finished a Logistic specialization, so this year I want to rest and get my diploma. My plans are rest and Know differents places. My Husband and I are gonna travel in June to Europe, so we are very excited with this travel.