invention timeline thing

  • Period: to


    Europe sold Africa guns knives gunpowder flint
    Africa sold America slaves where they would get auctioned and on the way there, there would be slave rebellions that the captions where afraid of
    America sold Europe rum tobacco sugar cotton
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    Use steam to run a motor and is Part of the first trains
  • water frame

    Riched arckright made the water frame. it made Made yarn andMade it easier and much faster to make
  • auto mobile

    auto mobile
    it moved things much faster
  • power loom l

    power loom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l
    used thread to weave cloth
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    made removing seeds from cotton much faster and efficient
  • computer

    to calculate numbers instead of humans doing it
  • factory act

  • telegraph

    Samuel Morse made the telegraph. it made the ability to Wright to people much easyer but it did Not influance society much
  • mines act

    women and childeran cant work under ground
  • tnt

    timed explosipns and easy rock explosions
  • dynomite

    explodes like a boss, halped with mining made by Alfred Nobel
  • telephone

    it made it possible to talk to people from far away so you didn't have go over there. the inventor is Alexander gray-bell