Industrial revolution

By joshcm6
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    Transatlantic Slave Trade

    Europe sailed from ports with goods like weapon , rums, wine and cotton to Africa for slaves.
    Africa sold their own people for goods. they brought them to the coast and then put below deck
    American: terrible conditions aboard the slave ship. the sailors needed to keep them healthy and they were also worried about slaves rebelling. after they arrive they sold them at auctions. buyers competed to buy the best slaves. after selling the slave they loaded their ship with goods
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    The inventor of the steam engine was Thomas Savery. the steam engine created steam which helped power things like trains. it also helped the cotton gin by its powered by it.
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame at 1769. it help the industrial revolution by making thousand of cotton tread faster, the invention is powered by a steam engine.
  • Automobile

    karl benz was the first one to construct the first automobile. he publish the automobile in 1770. the automobile takes you to point A to point B, as the year passes human kind have it faster and efficiently and take you to further places
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    the inventor of the cotton is Eli Whitnet. he invented the cotton gin at 1794. it produced cotton in bulk and separated the flower and the cotton. this help the industrial revolution by making cotton faster .
  • Abolition of Slavery in England

    William Wilberforce was a member for the Parliament House he fought to end slavery trade and slavery in the British empire. slavery ended in the British west indies at 1807.
  • Abolition of slavery in the British empire

    the parliament pass a bill to the British empire to give the slave's freedom. the parliament also pass a bill to all of the owners and payed for each slaves they had.
  • Telegraph

    the telegraph was invented in 1836. it was invented by Samuel Morse . the telegraph could communicate with long-distance. it worked by using electrical signal over a wire in a station.
    it help with creating the telephone
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    Dr Bernardo

    Dr Bernardo was born at the year 4-July-1845, he was born in a city named Dublin. in the age 17 he decided to become medical missionary in china but set out to London in 1866 to train as a doctor at the London hospital in white chapel.
    Dr Bernardo is famous for building a basic school for children that were poor and without parents. he took children in to his house and feed them, he fought for children that they shouldn't be push away
  • 10 Hours Act

    in 1847 the Parliament passed a bill to help working woman and also their kids, the 10 Hour Act change how many hours for woman and children works in a factory.
  • Telephone

    the inventor of the telephone is Alexander Graham Bell, he invented it at 1876. this help the society by talking to people any where they want. this help our society by having internet in it and could have games/ apps.
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel was the inventor of the dynamite. the dynamite was invented at the year 1886. Alfred Nobel was inspire by his work, his job was a architecture and engineer. he wanted a better way to destroy rocks and buildings. it help the industrial revolution by reaching to deeper martial.
  • Radio

    the radio was invented in 1895, the inventor of the radio Nokilas Tesla. the radio sends messages trough it to warn people, it help our society by making it more advance like it can be in cars and in music station.
  • Airplane

    the airplane was invented by Wilbur wright and Orville wright, it was invented in 1903.the airplane fly in the air this help people travel faster to other country or city.
  • Television

    the inventor of the television is Philo Taylor Farnworth. thetelevion was invented in 1927. it help society by getting the news faster so they did have read the news paper. it also had shows like for children.