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Industrial Revolution of Machinery

  • John Kay - Flying Shuttle

    John Kay - Flying Shuttle
    The Flying Shuttle was thew key development of weaving in the early industrial revolution, it allowed a weaver to weave wider fabrics.
  • James Hargreaves - spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves - spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny is a multi-spindle spinning frame,the wheel turns the spindle which pulled on the fibers. It was able to spin 8 threads of cotton yarn, instead of just one.
  • Robert Fulton - Steamboat

    Robert Fulton - Steamboat
    The steamboat is a boat that is powered mostly by steam, it was made for more efficient travel across sea than the paddle boat.
  • James Watt - Steam Engine

    James Watt - Steam Engine
    The steam engine was crucial to the industrialization of modern civilization. It used steam power to perform mechanical work through heat. It was used for many industrial settings such as mining, water pumping, and textiles.
  • Richard Arkwright - spinning frame

    Richard Arkwright - spinning frame
    The spinning frame was for spinning threads from fibers such as wool or cotton. It spines 96 strands of yarn, it did not need skilled operators so he gave jobs to unskilled people to work on them.
  • Samuel Compton - spinning mule

    Samuel Compton - spinning mule
    The spinning mule is a cross breed from Arkwright's water frame and James Hargreaves' spinning jenny. It's kinda like breading a horse and a mule. It made fine and even threads which was suitable for spinning yarn.
  • Rickard Trevithick - Steam locomotive

    Rickard Trevithick - Steam locomotive
    The steam locomotive is a railway locomotive that makes pulling power through a steam engine. It's fueled by burning combustible materials to make steam from a boiler.
  • George Stephenson - Killingworth Locomotive

    George Stephenson - Killingworth Locomotive
    The Killingworth Locomotive was an experimental steam locomotive that could work in the Killingworth Colliery. It was modeled after the Blenkinsop, and had two vertical cylinders 8 in. in diameter by 24 in.
  • Louis Pasteur - Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur - Pasteurization
    Pasteurization is the process of heat processing a liquid or a food to kill pathogenic bacteria to make food safe to eat. This process reduced transmission of many diseases.
  • Henry Bessemer - Manufacturing steel

    Henry Bessemer - Manufacturing steel
    The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel. The key principle is removal of impurities from the iron by air blowing through the molten iron.
  • Thomas Edison - Light Bulb

    Thomas Edison - Light Bulb
    Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful experiments of the inventing of the light bulb. He successfully tested a filament that can burn for about 13.5 hours. It produced heat and light so people could be able to see in the dark
  • Nikola Tesla - Tesla coils

    Nikola Tesla - Tesla coils
    The tesla coil is made up of two parts, the primary and secondary coils, each with their own capacitor. They are all connected by a spark gap which is a gap of air between two electrodes that generate electricity. It is used to make high-voltage, low current, high frequency alternating-current electricity.