Industrial Revolution Inventors

  • Abraham Darby

    Abram an was famous for mixing iron with coke and making the Bristol Iron Company
  • John Wesley

    Him and a couple of people got together and made a group called Methodist.
  • John Roebuck

    John and James Watt were popular for creating the first commercially practical condensing steam engine.
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    Richard was most famous for the invention of the Water wheel that was operated by water.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    John Roebuck and James Watt were popular for creating the first commercially practical condensing steam engine.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam wrote the book The Wealth of Nations which was often called the bible of capitalism it was dedicated to the study of political economy.
  • Alessandro Volta

    Alessandro was in inventor of the battery and he also discovered methane.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel invented the spinning mule which later industrialized the revolution.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Edmund Cartwright
    Edmund was famous for creating the first wool-combing machine and modern power loom
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli was most remembered for the invention of the cotton gen.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton
    Robert took and made steamboats from an experimental stage to a commercial success.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl was an author that published Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei often known as The Communist Manifesto.