Important Times in the History of American Education

  • Colonial Period

    Colonial Period
    In the Colonial Period, Puritans wanted to purify and separate themselves from The Church of England
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    Common Schools were created in each town so children would have a place to go to school. All ages in one building with one teacher.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He thought public education was important for democracy to grow. He wanted all Americans to be educated. He drafted a prposal in 1773 that would guarantee 3 years of school for all children. It did not pass.
  • Noah Webster

    Noah Webster
    We've all heard of Webster's Dictionary! Webster wanted to get rid of all English textbooks and just have American books. He wanted students to learn about OUR American History. He developed books that would show students how to pronounce words.
  • The Impace of Horace Mann

    The Impace of Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was a great crusader for public eductaion. He would travel around to the schools to see what was being taught and make notes of what condition the schools were in. He wanted public schools to be great.
  • Monitorial Schools and Charity Schools

    Monitorial Schools and Charity Schools
    Monitorial and Charity Schools were schools everyone could go to. They were usually in poor urban areas. They would have a teacher at the front and then send the instruction down the lines through monitors.
  • Harriot Beecher

    Harriot Beecher
    Famous female tacher who made teaching a respected profession for American women. Beecher saw teaching for women as she saw medicine and law for men.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    He is known as the FATHER OF PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION. He had great ideas! He wanted school to be for the WHOLE child. He wanted them to learn by doing. He thought education should result in the student learning how to do a job.
  • 25 MILLION new immigrants

    25 MILLION new immigrants
    The schools were flooded with new students arriving daily.
  • Brown VS. Board of Education

    Brown VS. Board of Education
    The supreme court ruled that having separate schools for black and white children was unconstiutional. The schools were NOT equal. This is one of my favorite pictures documenting the hisoric event.
  • Sputnik

    Russia launches the first sattelite into orbit.
  • Civil Rights Movement // Little Rock Nine

    Civil Rights Movement // Little Rock Nine
    <a href='' >LITTLE ROCK NINE Black and white kids now go to school together. There seems to be so much pressure on the black kids to make all the effort. This video shows first hand how it was for the black students.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
    Equal education for all students.
  • The Standards Movement

    The Standards Movement
    Setting of academic standards, also known as education reform. Calls for clear, measurable standards for all students and schools.
  • No Child left Behind

    No Child left Behind
    Supports standards based education reform. Hoping that iplementing new standards can improve individual outcomes in education.