
Important events in the History of American Education

By nglonek
  • Infant Shools Come to America

    Infant Shools Come to America
    Based on schools created in England by Robert Owens, the first infant schools open in America. For children ages 4-7, these are the first schools to consider the needs, interests, and developmental readiness of children in the teaching methods. Women were usually hired as teachers. These schools eventually developed into kindergartens.
  • Horace Mann Appointed First Secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts

    Horace Mann Appointed First Secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts
    Horace Mann worked to convince the American people that education should be free for all citizens and should not be based on one particular religion. He believed in a school common to all people and an education system that organized individual schools into a relationship with one another. He created the first unified state school system. In a time when most people were against educating girls, Mann believed it was important to educate mothers because of their influence on the next generation.
  • John Dewey Opens Laboratory School at the University of Chicago

    John Dewey Opens Laboratory School at the University of Chicago
    Dewey opens University Primary School as a laboratory school to test his theories of teaching. Teachers used the scientific method in teaching and learning. Dewey believed in adding to real-life experiences ways that made sense to students and active learning. He also believed effective teachers needed to understand the needs and developmental level of learners and classrooms should incorporate democratic values. Student motivation should not be based on threats and punishment.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    After years of education based on "separate but equal" schools for African American children, the Supreme Court determined that practice to be "inherently unequal." The decision meant that African American children would be part of racially mixed classrooms. This was intended to help balance educational resources and improve educational opportunities. Schools had to show "good faith" efforts to desegregate. Government and schools cannot discriminate among individual students based on race.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) Signed

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) Signed
    PL 94-142 gave children with disabilities ages 3-21 several basic educational rights and allowed them to eligible for special education services. Over the years the law has been amended to clarify and extend these rights. Students receive a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment based on each student's unique needs. Individualized education plans set up with parents and a multidisciplinary team of educators are developed and put into place every year.