History of the Eucharist

  • 1000 BCE

    The tree of life

    The tree of life
    After Adam and Eve eat from the fruit tree they are banished from eating the fruits from the tree of life. This symbol was a prefiguration of the Eucharist.
  • 32 BCE


    Melchizedek was the priest of God who brought out the bread and wine and is said to have foreshadowed Christ's priesthood.
  • 31 BCE

    The lamb of God

    The lamb of God
    The lamb of God refers the death and resurrection of Jesus which was an example in the old testament for Isaac.
  • 33

    The last supper

    The last supper
    Jesus explains to his apostils that one of them would betray him which later institutes the Eucharist.
  • Symbols

    The bread represents Jesus's body and the wine is the symbol of his blood.
  • Changes in celebration

    The readings in the Eucharist are read out and than the people take part in taking a sip of wine (or grape juice) and a tiny piece of consecrated bread.
  • Changes in participation

    Over time instead of the 12 apostilles having the bread and wine
    anyone can do it through their religion.
  • Beliefs

    Roman Catholics believe that the wine and bread, are the blood and body of Christ which is another form of sacrifice which forms into the soul of Jesus.