History of the Computer

  • Term "Computer" is Coined

    Term "Computer" is Coined
    The word computer referred to a person who could make calculations.
  • Charles Babbage is Born

    Charles Babbage is Born
  • Babbage Begins Work on the Difference Engine

    Babbage Begins Work on the Difference Engine
    Using the finite differences method, Babbage designs a machine that could compute numbers without the need for multplication or division. He will never finish this project.
  • Ada Lovelace, First Computer Programmer

    Ada Lovelace, First Computer Programmer
    Ada Lovelace worked with Charles Babbage on his new analytical engine. She is credited with creating the algorithm for the engine to work.
  • Alan Turing is Born.

    Alan Turing is Born.
    His invention of the turing machine gave birth to modern computing.
  • First Programmable Automatic Computing Machine

    First Programmable Automatic Computing Machine
    The Z3 was built in Germany to perform analyes of wing flutter.
  • Microsoft is founded

    Microsoft is founded
    Microsof is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Alan.
  • Apple Inc. Founded

    Apple Inc. Founded
    Apple is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wanye.
  • USB Standardizes Computer Connections

    USB Standardizes Computer Connections
  • Y2K Fear

    Y2K Fear
  • Ultrabook Prototype is Unveiled

    Ultrabook Prototype is Unveiled