History of Tech

  • Barcodes

    The Barcode invention was derived from the formatting of Morse Code. The inventors of the Barcode were Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver.
  • Magnetic Chip Cards

    March of 1979, Michel Ugon created the first operational microprocessor card which was known as the Bull CP8. The card had a memory chip and a microprocessor. These were considered to be the first intelligent cards behind Magnetic card readers.
  • Door Contacts (Magnetic door locks)

    Door contacts have been based on a reed switch, which was invented in 1936 by Walter Ellwood. A basic reed switch is comprised of two magnetic contacts sealed inside of a glass envelope. It was eventually developed to be in many access control devices
  • Automatic Doors

    In 1954, Dee Horton and Lew Hewitt invented the first sliding automatic door. The automatic door used a mat actuator. Not too later they sold the first automatic sliding door in America in 1960.
  • Security Camera

    Maria van Britten Brown was an American nurse that invented the idea of the security camera. Followed by her spouse Albert Brown. The patent their video home security system 3 years later.