1680636 poster 1280 education rebrnding1

History of Education Interactive (Fritsche)

  • Period: to

    Common Schools

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Education in the Colonial Period
    Colonial Education Dame schools were essentially day cares where they learned from the Protostent Bible and the New England Primer. The Adverage length education of the American Citizen was less than 82 days.
  • Jefferson, Rush, & Webster

    Jefferson, Rush, & Webster
    Jefferson, Rush, & Webster Jefferson stated that it was necessary for the American Population to be educated to further the ideals of Democracy. Jefferson met w/ great resistance in making education available for everyone regardless of wealth. Rush was a champion of supporting the right for women to persue higher education. Webster was considered the School Master of America.
  • *Horace Mann

    *Horace Mann
    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was the First Secretary of Education. He was famous for reviewing school houses on Horseback. He is considered the Father of the Common School. He ensured every child an education funded by local taxes. He was influencial in teacher training school. He believed that education was essential to becoming a good citizen.
  • Committee of 10

    Committee of 10
    Committee of 10
    The Committee of 10 recommended a standardization of American high school curriculum. These men recommended eight years of elementary education and four years of secondary education which is what we follow to this day.
  • Population Growth

    Population Growth
    Populaiton Growth
    Immigration of the 19th century doubles the amount of attendees and brought with it many diseases.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Reform Movement

    <ahref='http://www.regentsprep.org/regents/ushisgov/themes/reform/progressive.htm' >progressive reform movement</a>
    The Progressive Reform Movement was to defend against corporations involvement in the schools. The reformers wanted teachers to teach about the evils of corporations, dispelling misconceptions about immigrants, and help students think what it means to be an American.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    John Dewey
    He wrote called "The School and Society". He became known as the father of Progressive Education. He preached that if taught to the Whole Child that schools would be more hospitable.
  • WWII Impact on Education

    WWII Impact on Education
    WWII Impact on Education
    Congress created the GI bill after WWII with enabled veterans to go to school which dramatically increated college graduates and attendees. The Baby Boomers increased school attendance and the needed for more schools.
  • *Brown vs Board of Education

    *Brown vs Board of Education
    Brown vs Board of Education
    Brown vs Board of Education made it illegal for schools to be segregated according to race. Although this ended segregation this had a negative impact for African American Teachers.
  • *Sputnik and NEDA

    *Sputnik and NEDA
    Sputnik and NEDA
    America saw the launch of Sputnik as a competiton to be the best in the world. This motivated the Educaiton systems to increase the intensitiy of the curriculum.
  • *IDEA

    individuals with disabilities education act The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act made children with disabilities to be included in the education system. The IDEA governs how states and schools regulate and educate children with disabilities. The IDEA also helps with families with information on how to properly educate and help students with disabilies thrive in the school environment.
  • School Choice

    School Choice
    School Choice
    The School Choice movement can give parents a choice to put their children in private schools rather than public schools. This gives the parents the freedom to put their children in the schools with the best teaching programs or best sport teams.
  • *NCLB Act

    *NCLB Act
    NCLB act
    The No Child Left Behind Act required states to develop assessments and basic skills. This Act provided Federal Funding to schools who administered these tests but left the states to develop their own standards. Supporters of this bill states that it increased the accountabliity of teachers and administrations.
  • Standardize Testing

    Standardize Testing
    Standardize Testing
    Standardized Testing requires all schools to administer the same tests with the same questions throughout the nation. This make it so there can be a standard of education and it will streamline education across the nation.