History of

  • 1473 BCE


    Copernicus:1473-1543..sun was center of universe and planets rotated around the sun. Heliocentric.astronomer, mathmetician , physicis
  • 588 BCE


    Galileo:4 largest moons of Jupiter the names are lo, europa, ganymede and callisto. Birth 2/15/156 and 1/8/1642.
  • 322 BCE


    384-322 B.C. ...believed the sun, moon, planets. and stars travelled in separate spheres. Earth is spherical and everything travelled around the earth . Earth is the center of the universe. Earth was round
  • 168 BCE


    Ptolemy-c90-168 A.D…. earth centered believed all celestial objects including the sun moon and planets and stars orbited earth. Earth did not move at all.
  • Albert Einstein

    was born in a jewish family and Einstein made field of theoretical physics.
  • Edwin Hubble

    Hubble made a huge impact on astronomy, and science in general, by demonstrating that other galaxies besides our own Milky Way existed.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Fifty years ago, on April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space. The rocket carrying Gagarin's Vostok 1 spacecraft launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome at 6:07 a.m. local time.