History Final Demo: Civilizations Throughout The Ages

By Cithor
  • Period: 5000 BCE to 3500 BCE


    Mesopotamia brought the legacies of the compsite bow and agriculture
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 395


    Egypt brought the Legacies of the great Pyramids and the great length of its reign.
  • Period: 2200 BCE to 31 BCE


    Greece brought brilliant architecture and Great culture in the Hellenistic period.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 476


    Brought the legacies of a feared country remembered throughout the ages for its ruthless power and how quickly it fell.
  • Period: 300 BCE to

    Japan (Metalworking Era Onward)

    Japan brought the Legacies of truly wondrous weapons and some of the coolest pop culture icons in history.