Historical and Contemporary Approaches to Pschology

  • First class of Psychology at Harvord university

    First class of Psychology at Harvord university
    William James taught the first American psychology class at Harvord University in 1875
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    The Principles of Psychology

    The creation of the first psychology textbook over a 12 year period by William James
  • Origins of Psycology

    Origins of Psycology
    In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt made the first university of psychology in Leipzig Germany
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    The study of "Gestalt" Psychology

    Gestalt psychology is an attempt to understand the laws behind the ability to acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world.
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    Sigmond Fraud's creation of psychoanalysis

    Sigmond Frauds discovery of the unconscious mind
  • Cognitive Psychology

    Cognitive Psychology
    Cognitive psychology is the idea that our behaviors are more then just a simple reaction to our environment. Rather it is influenced by our past experiences and other things. This was mainly thought because of the contributions Jean Piaget, Noam Chomsky, and Leon Festinger
  • Humanistic Psychology

    Humanistic Psychology
    A group of people come up the the idea of Humanistic Psychology which is the idea that humans are self evolving and not constricted by their environment.