Lax bro

Hacke's History of Psychology

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    Concerned with physiological and bio-chemical factors that determine behavior and mental processes. For example, Phineas Gage had a pole go through his head when he was in a car accident. He survived, but his personality was altered due to the fact that the pole destroyed some of his frontal lobe, which deals with personality traits.
  • First Psychologial Laboratory

    First Psychologial Laboratory
    Wilhelm Wundt establishes the first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
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    Everything has a structure and can be broken down into smaller parts. A method of structuralism is called introspection, Wilhelm Wundt, founder of scientific psychology was an important part of structuralism.
  • First American Psychological Laboratory

    First American Psychological Laboratory
    G. Stanley Hall from Wundt's establishes what many concider the first American Psychological Laboratory at Hopkins University.
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    Looks for the function, or the purpose, of our actions. For example one feels anxious due to the increased epinephrine in their system. An important psychologists in functionalism is William James, he also had the first psychological laboratory in the United States.
  • Freud starts practices

    Freud starts practices
    in Australia Sigmund Freud introduces his psychoanalyctic theory in the interpretation of his dreams.
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    Developed by Sigmund Freud, its the study of the unconcious. One records their dreams, fantasies, and assiciations then uses them to shed light on unconcious conflicts. This is the what you picture when you hear therapy; the long couch that one lays on, the guy sitting in the chair, ect. It also involves the Id, super ego, and the ego.
  • Pavlov's Dog's

    Pavlov's Dog's
    By giving dog's the unconditioned stimulus of food to produce the unconditioned response of drooling, Pavlov was able to add the conditioned response, a bell, to produce the same response even without the food.
  • Parallel Associates Technique

    Parallel Associates Technique
    Mary Calkins creates the parallel associates technique for studying memory, she also becomes the president of the APA.
  • Little Albert

    Little Albert
    This experiment was conducted by John B. Watson. He noticed that when children hear loud noises they experience fear. He thought that he could use classical conditioning to make the kids fear things they wouldn't normally fear. Thus he took Litle Albert and experimented.
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    Behaviorism only looks at behaviors. They don't care about emotions, they just care about what you're doing and how they can get you to do it. Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, and Thorndike all expiremented with behaviorism.
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    Evolutionary Psychology looks at our past to uncover the reason for how we percieve and act in certain situations. Also for why we have or don't have certain things. For example, men are more likely to be colorblind than women because back in the hunter gatherer days women picked out berries and had to decipher if they were safe or not, men did not do this so they didn't need to be as sensitive to color. Thus, men are more likely to be colorblind then women.
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    Humanism is the stages of development or free will. This is where Maslow's pyramid comes into play:
    Self actualization
    Love and belongingness
    Pysiological Above is the hierarchy of needs. one starts at the bottom and has to master each stage to progress to the next.
  • Maslow's Pyramid

    Maslow's Pyramid
    Maslow creates his theory of motivation. Self-Actualization
    Love and Belonging
    Physiological One can not progress to a stage until they master the stage before it.
  • The Skinner Box

    The Skinner Box
    Skinner used operant conditioning to reach rats to press a button when a light is shown. He would put the rats in a box with a dispenser, a button, and a light. When the light lit up, the rats would have to press a button. If they preformed the task, they were rewarded with a treat from the dispenser.
  • The BoBo Doll

    The BoBo Doll
    An expiriment conducted by Alber Bandura where he would sit kids outside of a room and have them watch a video. The video was of a lady being agressive toward a BoBo doll. The Bandura would put the kids in a room full of toys, the kids were immidiately interested in the BoBo doll as they reenacted the things they saw the lady do in the video.
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    Perspective of psychology that is concerned with hiw cultural differences effect behaviors. Famous expiriments in this branch of psychology are the bobo doll, and the Milgram obidience expiriment.
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    This is mental porcesses like learning language, memory, problem solving, ect.
    Piagets stages of development are good examples of cognition:
    Concrete operational
    Formal operational
  • Animal Learning

    Animal Learning
    Edward Thorndike cunducts experimentss on animal learning in the United States. For example, he created the "puzzle box", a box where you had to be creative in order to escape. He would put cats in it and reward them when they escaped, encouraging them the repeat the behavior.