Georgia history

  • Sep 22, 1539


    *Hernando de soto was the leader of the expdation.
    *Intersated in god,glory,gold.
    *made spanisg missisions.
    *The missisions failed.
  • Sep 25, 1539

    hernado de soto

    hernado de soto
    *explorer from spain
    *had a mission for the 3 gs
    *used the mississippian indians
    * made the mississippian indians believe he was a god.
  • Sep 24, 1562


    *fur trade
    *were not sucessful
    *didnt wanna be invloved in georgia that much.
  • Sep 24, 1568

    spanish mission

    spanish mission
    *craeted by the spanish
    *converted indians,
    *made the indians part of the spanish economy.
  • worthy poor

    worthy poor
    *came to ga 1
    *started ga basicallly
  • colony of gq

    colony of gq
    *were we live
    *created in 1732
    *was big on defense
    * cearated off the worthy poor
  • highland scots

    highland scots
    *best fighter of thier time
    *faught for ga
    * like the 1733 navy
  • mary musgrove

    mary musgrove
    *spoke engilsh
    * was very good help for the indians to translate
  • england

    *had many colonies
    *had james oglethrope
    *also had teh 20 trusttees.
  • totmochichi

    *untied the yamasee and creek tribes in 1728
    *belived he could gain much from the brittish.
    *mary helped translate
  • the salzburgers

    the salzburgers
    *very sucesful
    *bilut sunday school,orphanage and more.
  • worthy poor

    worthy poor
    *created ga
    *1 people in ga
    *from england.
  • jhon reynolds

    jhon reynolds
    • 1 ga governer *sucked at governer
    • only was governer for 2 years.
  • the malcontents

    the malcontents
    *paid thier own way into ga
    *were unhappy with the laws set
    *complained until laws were lefted.
  • Mississippin indians

    *Came 1 in ga history.
    *met the europen men.
    *quickly dided after the europan men came.
    * Died from small pox and other things.