French Revolution Timeline

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    There are three Estates and was called to solve finiancal problems. One for clergy, one for noblity, and one for all the common people.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille, which is the royal authority figure of city.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    It was passed by the National Assembly and was written by General Marquis de LaFayette with help from Thomas Jefferson.
  • Attempted Escape to Austria by Royal Family

    Attempted Escape to Austria by Royal Family
    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempt to escape and they make it to Varennes before they are recaptured.
  • War is declared by France on Austria

    War is declared by France on Austria
    Revolutionaries wanted war, believing it would unite the country.
  • King Louis XVI executed

    King Louis XVI executed
    King Louis XVI is excuted at the guillotine after a trial confirming he was guilty of treason.
  • Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror begins with Robespierre declaring terror the 'order of the day.'
  • Maximilien Robespierre executed

    Maximilien Robespierre executed
    The National Convention declared him an outlaw and he flees. Before he was captured he shot himself but it didn't kill him. He was executed by the guillotine.
  • Women March on Versailles

    Women March on Versailles
    Working women charged Versailles armed with pitchforks, pikes, and muskets.
  • France Sells the United States the Louisiana Territory

    France Sells the United States the Louisiana Territory
    Napoleon, having needed money to fund his war, sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor

    Napoleon Crowns Himself Emperor
    Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor of France at the Notre Dame Catherdral.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress meet to try to return life to how it was before the Revolution took place.
  • Battle of Waterloo / Napoleon’s 2nd Abdication and Exile

    Battle of Waterloo / Napoleon’s 2nd Abdication and Exile
    The Battle of Waterloo took place in Belgium and signaled Napoleon's final defeat and he then died in exile.