
French Revolution

By jollye
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    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

    One main contributor to the French Revolution was the extravagant spending done by Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. Both spent large amounts of money on clothing, jewlery, and their palace Versaille. This created a huge debt that France would somehow have to pay off. The debt enforced a heavy tax on peasants who were already fed up with the nobility of the country.
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    Heavy Taxation

    France was living under the Old Regime in which France was politically and socially divided into three estates. While the nobles weren't being taxed, peasants within the Third Esate were paying half of their income. The economy was in decline and it became very hard to make money. Fed up with being heavily taxed, the lower class was ready for a change and a revolution was in store.
  • Estates General

    Estates General
    To deal with the large amount of debt France has taken on, Louis XVI decided he would begin taxing the nobility as well. He called together an Estates General in which representatives of all estates were present. Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes recommended that the Third Estate name themselves National Assembly to pass laws and reforms. This is a contributing factor to the revolution since it is one of the first signs of democracy shown.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After they have created the National Assembly, the delegates of the Third Estate found themselves locked outside of their meeting room. They broke down the door to a tennis court and declared they would not leave until a new constitution is drawn up. In response Louis XVI ordered the officials of the palace. This is the first sign of rebllious behavior and a violent response from the king which will cause in uproar in France.
  • A Great Fear

    A Great Fear
    Rumours about Louis XVI and what he was going to do began circulating around Paris. Mobs began storming prisons and nobles homes in order to riot against the king. After one particular riot, Louis XVI agreed to move back to Paris and leave his palace behind. This is a great contributor to the french Revolution because for the first time, we see the country in violent uproar against the king.
  • The Royal Family Tries to Escape

    Feeling as if he was unsafe in his own country, Luois XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette made a plan to escape to Austria. Just as they reached the border they were apprehended. Officials took them back to Paris. This was when the country had a chance to see how much of a coward their king was and that it was clear he no longer had the ability to rule.
  • The King is Imprisoned

    The King is Imprisoned
    Under war with Austria and Prussia over the fact that they believed Louis XVI should remain king, peasants invaded the palace and imprisoned the royal family. In addition, worried sympathizers would try to take back the throne, many peasants killed already imprisoned royalist sympathizers. This is an extremely important part of the revolution because now, the king has been stripped of his nobility and is now being treated as a common citizen.
  • The Execution

    The Execution
    After being sentenced to prison, Louis XVI was then tried for treason. The National Convention found him guilty and sentenced him to death. On January 21, 1793 Louis XVI proudly made his way up and was beheaded by the guillotine. The death of the king now meant that someone else had room to rule leaving an oppurtune window for those capable.
  • The new President

    The new President
    After the execution of Louis XVI, Robespierre took control and made it his goal to wipe out every detail of France's past. To begin, he created a new calender that didn't have sundays claiming that religion was a dangerous thing. He also closed all churches creating himself to be a tyrant more than a president. This was an important part of the revolution because it was now made a goal to spread revolution to other parts of Europe as well as France.
  • Robespierre's Execution

    Robespierre's Execution
    Robespierre, knowing he was in danger, tried to commit suicide with a gun. Missing, he shot himself in the jaw rendurring himself unable to speak. The National Convention caught him and executed him without trial. Robespierre's death ended the Reign of Terror and allowed someone else to take power