
French Revolution

  • Palace of Versailles was built.

    Palace of Versailles was built.
    The Palace of Versailles was built to demonstrate the power that Louis XIII had.
  • When King Louis Moved the Capitol from Paris to Versailles.

    When King Louis Moved the Capitol from Paris to Versailles.
    King Louis XVI had begun to make Versailles his own personal palace and decided to move the capitol to Versailles to escape the chaos Paris was beginning to be consumed by.
  • King Louis XVI Marries Marie Antoinette.

    King Louis XVI Marries Marie Antoinette.
    King Louis XVI Marries Marie Antoinette
  • Period: to

    Timespan of the French Revolution

    The French Revolution lasted from 1789 through 1794.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath happened when the National Assembly was called to meet.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is Stormed
    Bastille is stormed by the peasants and working class in order to get weapons and ammunition to fight back against the government.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is Written

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is Written
    This is the Third Estate's constitution that was written to overthrow King Louis XVI and eventually became the Constitution of France.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    The Women's march on Versailles was one of the most significant events of the French Revolution.
  • King Louis XVI is Guillotined

    King Louis XVI is Guillotined
    King Louis was guillotined because he was found guilty of treason.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was lead by The Committee of Public Safety and Maximilian Robespierre.
  • Napoleon Overthrows The Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows The Directory
    Napoleon stages a coup against a weak and corrupted government.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Reign as Emperor

  • Creation of the Napoleonic Code.

    Creation of the Napoleonic Code.
    Napoleon creates the first set of systemic laws for France.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself as Emperor

    Napoleon Crowns Himself as Emperor
    Napoleon names himself Emperor of France.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia

    Napoleon is defeated in Russia
    Napoleon realizes his defeat after a cold Russian Winter sets in and more than a third of his troops were dead.
  • Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is Defeated at Waterloo
    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo because he was outsmarted by his enemies.
  • Napoleon Is Exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon Is Exiled to St. Helena
    Napoleon is exiled after his defeat at The Battle Of Waterloo