French Revolution

  • Call of the estate general

    Call of the estate general
    Louis XVI meets with estate general for the first time since 1614. It was held in Versailles. He called the estates general to meet because of financial problems.
  • Storming of the bastille

    Storming of the bastille
    It took place in Paris, France. A angry mob attacked the prison. There was only 7 prisionors in the prison when it took place. The prison represented the monarchy’s dictational rule.
  • March de Versailles

    March de Versailles
    It is also known as the October March. Women gathered and demanded bread for their families. There was about 7,000 women. They had pitchforks, pikes, and muskets. They marched from Paris to Versailles.
  • Camp de mars massacre

    Camp de mars massacre
    Happened in Paris against republican protesters. Name after we’re it took place. 50 casualties happened. They gathered to sign a petition, only 6,000 actually signed.
  • French declare war on Austria

    French declare war on Austria
    It was caused by the attack of the Tulieries war on Austria.
  • The first invasion of the tuleries

    The first invasion of the tuleries
    The national guard and parisians invaded te royal family. The monarchy’s were suspended by the Assembly. It represented royalist symbols.
  • Execution of the king

    Execution of the king
    He was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. The French national convention sentenced him to death. He was executed my guillotine. It took place in Paris.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    Maximilian Robespierre had policy of severe control and punishment. If you did not agree with him you were sentenced to death. 40,000 people were sentenced to death.
  • Execution of the queen

    Execution of the queen
    Marie Antoinette was convicted of high treason. She was sentenced to death. She was executed in Paris, France
  • Maximilian Robespierre execution

    Maximilian Robespierre execution
    Placed under arrest by National Assembly. He encouraged his own execution. Executed by guillotine.