French Revolution

  • Call of the Estates General

    Call of the Estates General
    In 1789, King Louis XVI called a meeting with the Estates General as the government was having some financial issues. This was the first meeting with the Estates General since 1614.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    On June 17th, the members of the National Assembly took the Tennis Court Oath, in which case vowing to keep meeting until they are recognized as a legitimate government by the king.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man, issued on August 26th, is a very important paper in the French Revolution. The paper basically explains a list of rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and separation powers.
  • March on Versailles (Women’s March)

    March on Versailles (Women’s March)
    On October 5th, The Women’s March on Versailles had occurred. Crowds of women marched in the rain from Paris to Versailles, all chanting for one thing; bread. Much of the population of Paris was starving while King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette feasted like royalty.
  • Royal Family Flee

    Royal Family Flee
    On June 20th, King Louis XVI and his family try to flee from France but are quickly caught at Varennes and brought back to Paris. Because of their flee, many people believe that the royal family can not be trusted and King is forced to go on trial.
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    Reign of Terror

    Many people were sentenced to death during the Reign of Terror caused by conflict between the Jacobins and the Girondins. Maximillian rises as the new leader of the revolution.
  • King Louis XVI Execution

    King Louis XVI Execution
    After being put on trial, King Louis XVI is sentenced to death by guillotine one day after being convicted of the conspiracy with foreign powers. He was executed in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.