

  • Airship

    One of the old machines is the airship, which was pushed forward by propellers, and they were also a popular means of transport in the early 20th century, invented in 1852, by Henri Giffard in france.
  • Powered aeroplane

    Powered aeroplane
    Years later, in 1903, In the U.S.A, the Wright brothers invented a plane which was driven by a very light petrol engine that they designed and built themselves because the other engines that were available were too heavy. They called it a powered aeroplane.
  • Helicopters

    After all of that, the Russian Igor Sikorsky invented the helicopters that were first used in 1939, and it consisted of two blades that went in the opposite directions and lifted it vertically.
  • Jet airliner and Sir Geoffrey de Havilland

    Jet airliner and Sir Geoffrey de Havilland
    But then the jet airliner appeared, in 1949, in the United kingdom, and jet engines suck air in the front and eject it at the back at a very high speed and as the air goes backwards, the engine and the aircraft are thrust forwards. This beauty was invented by Sir Geoffrey de Havilland, who was born in 27th of july, 1882 in High Wycombe, United kingdom, and tragically died in Watford, United kingdom, in 21th of may, 1965.
  • Supersonic airliner

    Supersonic airliner
    Well, the speed of any of the machines I mentioned before are actually close to the speed of this one, the supersonic airliner, invented in Great Britain and France in 1969. This miracle first travelled to twice the speed of sound, reaching a speed of 1600 km/h and crossing the Atlantic from New york to london in less than three hours.