Evolucin de la rueda


  • 5250 BCE

    The sailboat

    The sailboat
    It is believed that the first saiolboat was invented between 6000-7000 years ago. The first presented model of a ship is on a disc from what was known as Mesopotamia (dating between 5500-5000 BC).
  • 4000 BCE

    Sanitation systems

    Sanitation systems
    The fist sanitation systems created were the first clay sewage pipes in Mesopotamia.
  • 3500 BCE

    The Nail

    The Nail
    It is believed that the nail was created in ancient Mesopotamia around 3500 BC. They were most likely made out of copper or bronze.
  • 2400 BCE


    It is believed that it was first used by the Babylonian Empire around 2400 BC
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE


    It is believed that the first alphabet was created during the MIddle Bronza Age, between 1500-1200 BC.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 710 BCE

    Optical lenses

    It was created in ancient Assyria between 750 and 710 BC.
  • 260 BCE


    Archimedes was the first to describe the use of the lever, though it is thought that it was being used since prehistoric times.
  • 250 BCE

    Archimedes' screw

    Archimedes' screw
    Named after its inventor, Archimedes, is a device used to raise water. It was originally invented to remove water from the hold (compartment below the deck) of bif boats.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 100 BCE

    The Compass

    It is believed that the compass was invented in China, during the Han dynasty, between de 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. However, in 1936 Tuomas Vohlonen invented and patented the first successful portable liquid-filled compass for individual use.
  • 105


    The invention of paper happened when Cai Lun, a chinese dignitary began producing sheets of paper from old rags, tree bark and fishing nets.
  • 142


    The earliest reference to gunpowder is from around 142 AD in the Eastern Han dynasty in China.
  • 600

    Paper money

    Paper money
    The paper money was first used during the Tang Dynasty in China by merchants.
  • Period: 1270 to 1300

    The Mechanical Clock

    The first mechanical clocks are thought ot have been built in some regions around Northern Italy and Southern Germany in the Renaissance period.
  • 1436

    The printing press

    The printing press
    Device that allows the mass production of uniform printed matter. It was inventend originally in China, but perfected by Johannes Gutenberg
  • 1582

    The Gregorian calendar

    The Gregorian calendar
    It was instituted by the Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. Is the calendar used by the Catholic church
  • The steam engine

    The steam engine
    In 1712, Thomas Savery created the first steam engine that used steam power for mechanical work. It was called "The Newcomen Engine"
  • The sextant

    The sextant
    The first sextant was created by John Bird in 1759. It consisits in two mirros used to calculate the latitudinal position of a vessel.
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    Was invented by Eli Whitney in 1794. It is a machine that separets sticky seeds from the fibers in cotton.
  • Vaccination

    Dr Edward Jenner created the first succesful vaccine.
  • The moldboard plow

    The moldboard plow
    Charles Newbold was the inventor of the first practical plow, which he received patent for in June 1797.
  • Photography

    It was invented in 1822 when Joseph Nicéphore Niépce took the very first photography. He used a camera obscura to capture images exposed onto bitumen-coated pewter plates.
  • Cement

    The invention of cement is atributed to an english man called Joseph Aspdin, who took out a patent for the material in the first quarter of the 19th century.
  • Period: to

    The Telegraph

    In the 1830s, Cooke and Wheatstone developed the first telegraphic system, which consisted in five magnetic needles that could be pointed around a panel of letters and numbers using electric current. In 1837, Morse, Gail and Vail created the first electric telegraph.
  • Refrigeration

    It was first designed by Oliver Evans in 1805, but it wasn't until 1934 that the first refrigerating machine was created by Jacob Perkins
  • The Combine Harvester

    The Combine Harvester
    John Hascall and Hiram Moore created the first working combine, tested in the late 1830s and being patented in 1836.
  • Anesthesia

    In 1846, the first demosntration of ether anesthesia was made in Boston by Doctor William Morton
  • Scientific plant breeding

    Scientific plant breeding
    Plant breeding started thousands of years ago, after the end of the last Ice Age. However, scientifically, Gregor Mendel was the first one to study it in the mid 1800s using pea plants.
  • Telephone

    Antonio Meucci built the fist telephone in 1854 to communicate rooms of his house
  • Industrial Steelmaking

    Industrial Steelmaking
    Henry Bessemer developed a new method of steel manufacturing, revolutionizing the steel industry.
  • Oil refining

    Oil refining
    The world's first oil refinary was invented in Romania, using the abundant oil available in the country.
  • Oil drilling

    Oil drilling
    George Bissell and Edwin L. Drake used successfully the drilling rig for the first time to produce oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
  • Internal combustion engine

    Internal combustion engine
    Étienne Lenoir drove for the first time his "hippomobile", powered by Lenoir's own gas engine.
  • Pasteurization

    Louis Pasteur discovered the pasteurization process after finding out that wine which was treated with head killed many of the bacteria that could be found in it.
  • Automobile

    The first automobile was a three-wheeled Motor Car known as the "Motorwagen", invented by Karl Benz
  • Electric light bulb

    Electric light bulb
    In 1879 Thomas Edison invented, with his team, the first electric light bulb using carbonized filament of uncoated cotton
  • Steam turbine

    Steam turbine
    The steam turbine was invented by Charles Parsons in 1884.
  • Radio

    The first radio was created by the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi
  • Rocketry

    The exploration of space by rockets was first proposed by a Russian teacher called Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
  • The assembly line

    The assembly line
    It was in 1901 that Ransom Olds created and patented the assemly line. The Ford Motor Company was the first to implement the moving assembly line in 1913.
  • Air-conditioning

    Willis Haviland invented the first modern air-conditionning system in 1902
  • Airplane

    The first succesful powered airplane, the 1903 Wirght Flyer, was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright.
  • Nitrogen fixation

    Nitrogen fixation
    Discovered by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch. Is the synthesis of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen.
  • Television

    In 1927 Philo Fansworth accomplished to transmit the first moving image, which was the beginning of the TV.
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in St. Mary's Hospital, London, in 1928.
  • Nuclear fission

    Nuclear fission
    Reaction in which atoms split apart, realeasing energy. It was discovered by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch
  • Period: to

    The Green Revolution

    It refers to the renovation of some practices in the field of agriculture. It startes in Mexico in the 1940s and ended with its international exportation during the 1960s.
  • Semiconductor transistor

    Semiconductor transistor
    Walter Brattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley discovered the semiconductor transistor on the 23rd of December, 1947.
  • The pill

    The pill
    The first pill invented was what we know nowadays as the birth control pill by John Rock and Gregory Pincus in 1953, although its use was not approved until 1960.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The Internet is said to have been invented when Vinton Cerf developed a way to communicate all the mini-networks in the world. He called it "Transmission Control Protocol" (Then he changed it to "Internet Protocol").
  • The personal computer (PC)

    The personal computer (PC)
    A tiny business called MITS developed the first personal computer, which was called the Altair.