Fetal Development - Nykuria Lyles

  • 1st Month (Start of 1st Trimester)

    In the first month, the fetus is around 6-7 mm long. That's about the size of a grain of rice. The lungs and heart starts to develop, and the arms, brain, legs, spinal cord, and nerves begin to form. The placenta, lower jaw, mouth, and throat develops also. Circulation starts and the blood cells forms into shapes.
  • 2nd Month

    In the second month, the baby's fingers, toes, and eyes starts forming. The baby is about 1 inch long, weighs about 9.45 g. Even though the mother can't feel it yet, the embryo begins to move. The bone begins to replace cartilage and the sensory organs and digestive tract begins to develop quickly. The fetus' main organs such as the neural tube has formed well.
  • 3rd Month

    Coming into the third month, the baby has hands, arms, fingers, feet, and toes. The baby can open and close the fists and mouth. The urinary and circulatory systems starts to work and the liver produces bile. The baby's reproductive organs also has developed, but the baby's gender is still difficult to tell on ultrasounds. The fetus is about 3-4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce.
  • 4th Month (Start of 2nd Trimester)

    In the 4th month, your baby's fingers and toes are well-defined and functioned. Your baby can even yawn, suck his/her thumb, even stretch. The eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are also formed. The nervous has started to function properly. Your heath care provider can now tell the gender on the ultrasound. Your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs about 4 ounces.
  • 5th Month

    The 5th month comes around and your baby begins to grow hair. Also a soft fine hair, covers his/her shoulders, back, and temples. The hair protects your baby, but ends up shedding once he/she is born. You start to feel the fetus move since the baby now has developing muscles. Your baby should be about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.
  • 6th Month

    In the 6th month, your baby's eyelids begin to part and the eyes open. His/her skin looks reddish and wrinkled. The veins are visible through the baby's skin since it's translucent. The baby's toe prints and fingers become visible. The baby can respond to sounds by increasing the pulse or just moving. By the end of the 6th month, your baby is about 12 inches long and should weigh about 2 pounds.
  • 7th Month (Start of 3rd Trimester)

    The baby's hearing is now fully developed and he/she can change position many times. He/she can also now respond to stimuli. Fat begins to be deposited on the baby. Your baby should be about 14 inches long and weighs from two to four pounds.
  • 8th Month

    You may notice your baby is kicking more now. The baby's brain is developing really quickly and he/she can see and hear. The lungs could still be immature but most of the internal systems should be developed by now. By now your baby should be about 18 inches and should weigh about 5 pounds.
  • 9th Month

    This is the last month of pregnancy, and your baby continues to grow and mature. He/she can now respond to sounds, light, touch etc since the reflexes are coordinated. The baby begins to drop down in your pelvis and his/her head should be facing down toward the birth canal. Your baby is preparing for the labor and delivery. The fetus should be about 18-20 inches long and should weigh about 7 pounds.