Social Media Disruptions

  • MAGA

    Make America Great Again, or MAGA, is a political slogan used by Donald Trump and his supporters. It is often used by the President on Twitter, though it can be found in any media used by his followers and others who use it ironically to criticize his views.
  • Pro-Life/Pro-Choice

    More marches for Pro-Life and Pro-Choice have gained media attention more in the last few years. This debate is more on facebook than other social media sites. Facebook is a great way to share video, articles and photos.
  • #MeToo Movement

    #MeToo Movement
  • Climate Change

    Climate Change
    There have been more disruptions about climate change in other countries more than here in America. More specifically: Australia and the U.K. There are many posts on instagram of people sharing their opinions and frustrations surrounding this topic. Instagram is a great way to share pictures of the protests and especially what is being effected by climate change.
  • Coronavirus

    The 2020 outbreak of COVID-19, or colloquially known as 'coronavirus' has killed thousands, and continues to create huge challenges for communities and governments around the world. News is spread through traditional channels, but more often than not stories are being shared through social media like facebook, instagram, and twitter.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter