Events leading up to current child development

  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther

    He altered establishing schools to teach all children to read. He started the universal education culture as well as have widely availabe adult literacy.
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    John Locke

    John said children blank tablets and learning should begin early in infants. He believed children's experience determined who they are and said children learn what they are taught. Teachers make the child.
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    Johann Pestolozzi

    Johann advocated education should follow course of nature. He believed that all education is based on sensory impressions. He promoted that mothers could best teach their children while homeschooling. Education can be learned through the senses and he laid basis for discovery learning. He believed that if a child represents experiences through drawing, writing, etc then the learning really occurs.
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    Friedrich Frobel

    He compared children to plants and founded kindergarten or "garden of children". He believed that a child learns through play and should learn that way. He thought teachers' roles were similar to gardeners and children should have specific materials to learn concepts and skills.
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    Maria Montessori

    Maria's method has been established for education for young children. She had respect for the child foundation of teaching and preparing environments essential for learning. Large public and private schools emphasize her applications and methods to this day.
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    Jean Piaget

    Jean believed that children were "little scientists" and develop their own intelligence. He bought into the project approach learning and that active involvement of children learning activities help them thrive.
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    Erik Erikson

    Erik had a life series of 8 stages representing a critical period of social development and that all children need predicability, constant love, care and education. How parents and teachers interact with each other and the child determines the emotional and cognitive development of the child.
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    Abraham Maslow

    Mr. Maslow started human development process of meeting basic needs throughout life and implementing humanistic psychology. He felt the importance of meeting basic needs before cognitive learning could take place. He started the growth of self esteem.