Emily Carlson's Innovators and Innovation Timeline

  • The Vacuum Cleaner Invention

    An inventor living in Iowa, Daniel Hess, was one of the first people to make a standard vacuum cleaner in July of 1860. The vacuum's main purpose was to clean a newer style flooring, the carpet, since the fabric was much harder to pick up dust and dirt unlike the normal hard wood flooringing. Dan made the vacuum with brushes and bellows to pick and carry up dust into one section of the vacuum. His great idea didn't get to highly popular in marketing due to the difficulties in working the bellow
  • The Vacuum Continued

    The Vacuum Continued
  • Levi Strauss

    An inventor with a business still running today, Levi Strauss was a man with a company near San Francisco, made to manufactured dry goods and clothing. Levi is so wildly popular, even today, for one of his most successful invention's, the blue jeans. Levi had made inventions for helping his business expand. When the invention of the blue jean came around, a customer actually thought of the idea with using his clothing material and holding things together with metal making them stronger for work.
  • Levi Strauss Continued

    Levi Strauss Continued
    The customer, Davis, was unable to pay the the fee to invent these so he asked for Levi's help. Once they got the patent Levi manufactured them in his company. The "tough-rugged jeans" were a big help on making Levi a millionaire and expanding his business to be popular even today. Links: http://www.biography.com/people/levi-strauss-9496989
  • Telephone Continued

    Telephone Continued
    Links: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjR26-
    miMvMAhXGyyYKHSIhCfMQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwhatcanilearntoday.wordpress.com%2F2012%2F02%2F19%2Fwhat-were-the-first-words-spoken-on-the-telephone%2F&psig=AFQjCNFARTWVI3nMtTIwXf0ht6pLZ4v1SA&ust=1462817033356890 http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/alexander-graham-bell http://www.corp.att.com/history/inventing.html
  • Invention of the Telephone

    A wildly popular invention was created by Alexander Graham Bell in March of 1876 that has been evolved to fit our society today, known as the telephone. The telephones first purpose, intended by Alex, was to help the deaf learn to speak. Later Alex had become very interested into sending sound into electricity, and with money from Thomas Sanders and Gardiner Hubbard he was able to start his research and invent the product. The phone became very popular overtime and Alex received a great wealth.
  • Whitcomb L. Judson

    Whitcomb, an inventor that made inventions for enjoyment, was not so famous in his days, but one of the most used inventions of his today is the zipper. In the early 1890's Whitcomb had started his new invention, "clasp-locker", which were made for shoes. He presented it to the Chicago World Fair and established it in the Universal Fastener Company to mass produce it while slowly making improvements to it. Though what he did never took a big hit in his day.
  • Whitcomb L Judson Continued

    Whitcomb L Judson Continued
    he still kept pushing for ways to make it better while trying to invent a few more ideas. By the time his biggest invention took a huge rise he sadly had past away, but all credit still is directed towards him. Links: