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El Hierro TimeLine

  • 1492

    Westernmost Place

    Westernmost Place
    Before 1492, El Hierro was considered one of the westernmost places on the planet Earth.
  • 1492

    The Earth keeps going

    The Earth keeps going
    In 1492, Columbus sailed past the Canary Islands and did not fall off of the Earth. The Earth was now known as round instead of flat.
  • 1546

    Pretty Island

    Pretty Island
    Sailors were admiring the island of El Hierro. The island gave the sailors an image of The Virgin Mary.
  • Energy Independent

    Energy Independent
    El Hierro worked hard to make the island the first energy independent island on the Earth. The island would be powered be renewable sources of energy.
  • Oil Drilling

    Oil Drilling
    Oil drillers were given permission to drill into the island but the pedestrians did not like that because of the possible outcomes.