Disruption Timeline

  • EuroMaiden Protest

    EuroMaiden Protest
    People in Ukraine protested against the President Yanukovych's decision to back out of the deal with the EU and relationship with Russia. On Facebook, a page was created called EuroMaiden that informed people of current protests, information, and how to get involved. It got over 125,000 likes. People are commenting and posting on the page to share the information they have. Videos of police beating protesters went viral from the Facebook page.
  • Venezuela Revolution

    Venezuela Revolution
    People in Venezuela are protesting against the inflation in their country. The price of oil in their country has gone down and now their economy is suffering. The crime is getting worse and people have to wait hours to get household goods. People are protesting on their Instagram and Snapchat stories, Facebook live videos, and Twitter. People that are pro government tried to cover up the pictures of people getting gassed and dying that was being Tweeted by protesters.
  • Protests Against Trump

    Protests Against Trump
    People are protesting against Trump's inauguration on social media. Mainly on Twitter (since Trump is a frequent tweeter), people have been protesting against Trump by creating branding efforts, posting pictures from protests, slogans, and more. From social media, Planned Parenthood has raised a significant amount of money.
  • Against Charlottesville Protesters

    Against Charlottesville Protesters
    Many people on Twitter came together to identify the Charlottesville protesters. People tweeted pictures from the rally in an attempt to identify them so that people could contact their work or school to inform them of the racist behavior they took part of. An account dedicated to identify the men gained 400,000 followers during the week of the rally. Many of the people identified were fired from their jobs.
  • #MeToo Protests Against Sexual Assault

    #MeToo Protests Against Sexual Assault
    People flooded Twitter with the hashtag #metoo as well as Facebook with status updates that mentioned me too. Several women wrote "me too" in response to being sexually harassed. Women, even famous people on Twitter and Facebook came forward with their stories. Even men participated in the protest by sharing their stories as well. The protest was made to bring attention to the amount of women that have been sexually assaulted.