2017 04 01

Discipline Progression

  • The Offense - The F Bomb

    The student drops his cell phone, which he is not supposed to have out in class, and the screen breaks when it hits the floor at which time the student loudly screams a profanity.
  • Teacher Engagement

    The teacher hears the profane exclamation and determines which student committed the offense.
  • The Why & Who

    Determine the intent, circumstances and number of offenses of the student. Is the student a first time offender or habitual?
  • Did Anyone Hear the Tree Fall?

    If the student is a habitual offender go to Disciplinary Action. If the student is a first time offender and the teacher believes the student just made an unintentional mistake then determine what effect cutting the first time offender slack would have on the class as a whole who witnessed the offense.
  • The Sentencing - Disciplinary Action

    If the action was a blatant flagrant violation of the class rules and you believe you must enforce the class/school rule or the classroom learning environment will be affected negatively then the maximum enforcement must be exercised.
  • The Long Walk

    Send the child to the Principal's Office