developmental Timeline

  • Infancy: I was born

    I was born on July 27, 2001, at 12:30 pm in India
  • Infancy: Trust vs Mistrust

    This is the first stage in Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. I relied on my parents for my basic needs as it helped develop a secure attachment to them, especially my mom.
  • Infancy: Attachment

    During Infancy, with the information my mom has given me, I had secure attachment to my primary giver, my mother.
  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    I used to play with rattles and also peek-a-boo as they helped me get used to the environment around me. During this period, I had not learned the concept of object permanence yet.
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    I started crawling and then eventually walking. I would play with toys and my parents would encourage me to use my gross motor skills.
  • Infancy: First memory

    My first memory is playing at the park with my mom and her pushing me on the swing at the playground. I was 3 years old.
  • Early Childhood: Language Development

    My mom would read to me and make me read to expand my vocabulary. She would also point things out and regularly ask me what they were so she could understand my progression
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I used to play catch with my friends and I started drawing pictures as my gross/fine motor skills improved
  • Early Childhood: Attachment

    During the period of early childhood, I enjoyed being with my mother and she and I had a secure attachment style.
  • Early Childhood: Initiative vs Guilt

    I had drawn on the wall and was told it wasn't okay, which made me feel guilty.
  • Early Childhood: Pre-operational Stage

    I used to play doctor with my playset and pretend that I had patients that I was curing. I also played with more toys like building blocks and play-doh
  • Middle-Late Childhood: Physical Development

    I began taking gymnastics and tennis classes and exercised regularly
  • Middle-Late Childhood: Cognitive Development(Memory)

    I used to study for my math quizzes by doing a lot of practice problems that my mom would write for me to solve.
  • Middle-Late Childhood: Concrete Operational

    I used to go to the McWane Science Center and observed the different stations and figured out the different physics laws to help me understand science while having fun
  • Middle-Late childhood: Puberty

    At the age of 13, I got my period. It was a huge change in my life and the beginning of puberty that brought many changes to my physical and mental health.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development(coping)

    As a teenager, I tried to recognize what strategies helped to deal with stressful situations. I would take a walk to relax from a stressor. I would also take some time to work out or do yoga. It also helped me to paint to distract myself from a certain stressor.
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    I continued gymnastics and worked out pretty often to stay fit and healthy. I would also try to eat better consciously to stay in good shape
  • Adolescence: Exercise(Physical Development)

    I became less physically active during my adolescence years.
  • adolescence: Attachment

    My mom is a single mom who raised me on her own and it has made us really close to one another. She has always been there for me and helped me become a confident, selfless person and I believe it has led me to a secure attachment to her.
  • Adolescence: Formal Development

    I started to participate in group discussions in high schools that dealt with larger concepts than general facts and it helped me develop more critical thinking.
  • Adolescence: Language Development

    My friends and I would use certain slangs to each other than were significant to our relationship. For example, we would say "it be like that sometimes", it represents a situation where we weren't in control of what was happening.
  • Early Adulthood: Health, Illness, and Disease

    Many emerging adults know how to be healthy but don't apply that information to their own lives. I realize that I could be much healthier but I sometimes choose not to
  • Early Adulthood: Physical health

    My mom had anemia and my dad had high blood pressure so I have to try to work out regularly to make sure I live a healthy lifestyle to ensure good physical and mental health for my future
  • Early Adulthood: Physical Development

    My height is going to remain constant until Middle Adulthood
  • Early Adulthood: Physical Development

    I have stopped working out as much as I used to but I am trying to get back in the habit so I can stay healthy