
History Of The Internet

  • First Telecommunications Cable

    First Telecommunications Cable
    When the first transatlantic telegraph was laid in 1858 by businessman Cyrus West Field
  • Russia Launches Sputnik to Spy On Us

    Russia Launches Sputnik to Spy On Us
    USSR launches Spotnik the very satellite into space and which sets off the race to link the world through global communications US is worried it is to spy on us
  • First Modern

    First Modern
    In 1962 the first commercial was produced by Bell laboratories but was invented by Townshed
  • ARPANET Project

    ARPANET Project
    Robert Taylor initiates the ARPANET project. the foundation for today's internet under the department of Defense
  • Internet Launches With Four Computers

    Internet Launches With Four Computers
    The physical network is constructed, linking four nodes: university of California at Los angles, SRI (in Standford, university of California at Santa Barbra, and University of Utah
  • ALOHA NET - 1st Wi-Fi Connection

    ALOHA NET - 1st Wi-Fi Connection
    ALOHA Net connected the Hawaiian Islands with a UHF wireless packet network first Wi-Fi transmission
  • First Submarine Fiber Cable

    First Submarine Fiber Cable
    The first submarine fiber cable (five miles with no repeaters) was laid in the English Channel between Portsmouth and the isle of Wight.
  • yahoo

    This site brings home mailto this online website that keep all data for you
  • wikipedia

    Wikipedia is source that answers almost any question you have it is also a good source to find a good book
  • Facebook

    Facebook is an American online social media and social networking service company.
  • youtube

    Youtube is a video sharing website that lets creators make any kind of video they want, rather it is comedy, entertainment, fashion, dancing, singing, sports.
  • Google chrome

    Google chrome
    Google chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It was first released in september 2008, for microsoft windows, and was later ported to linux, macOS, ios and android.