David Kerezovic's Timeline

  • Birth

    This was the most special day of my parents lives, even though i was the 3rd child btw i was born on David street
  • My first steps as a human being!

    My first steps as a human being!
    This is the picture on where i am about to take my fist step
  • Kindergarten

    This was my first day of kindergarten. The day started good but then it ended up downwards unfortunately
  • First day of prep

    First day of prep
    "This was my first day of manlyhood!" I thought. This was my first day ever of primary school
  • Class Captain

    Class Captain
    This day was the first to accomplish my dreams, with my friends behind my back i got it
  • Sanfransisco Bridge/America

    Sanfransisco Bridge/America
    This was my first ever trip over seas, at the moment when i was there, little did i know it was gonna be my 1st out of third trip there
  • Soccer

    SOCCER! This was the first time i ever played for a club in sport!
  • Tennis

    This was the first day that my friend and i went to go see a tennis game
  • Europe

    This was one of my very first pictures from my 4 moth trip to Europe. This was taken in Montenagro and as you see in the background that is a very famous church in a wall called Ostrog
  • Basketball

    This day i found out my favourite SPORT! BASKETBALL