Cotton candy xd

Cotton Candy

  • Cotton candy was first recorded in Europe in the 18th century.

    Cotton candy was first recorded in Europe in the 18th century.
  • invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and John C. Wharton

     invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and John C. Wharton
    Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by the dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton
  • Thomas Patton received a patent for the cotton candy machine in 1900.

    Thomas Patton received a patent for the cotton candy machine in 1900.
  • Joseph Lascaux, a dentist from New Orleans, Louisiana, invented a similar cotton candy machine

    Joseph Lascaux, a dentist from New Orleans, Louisiana, invented a similar cotton candy machine
  • ] In the 1970s an automatic cotton candy machine was created

    ] In the 1970s an automatic cotton candy machine was created
  • In 1972, the first automated machine was used for the production of cotton candy

    In 1972, the first automated machine was used for the production of cotton candy
  • The United States celebrates National Cotton Candy Day on December 7.[

    The United States celebrates National Cotton Candy Day on December 7.[