Constitution History

  • Decloration of Independence

    The Document that started up the new goverment. It states what the king of England Violated. It set up the first rights of the people, who is to govern it, and the abillity to abollish the goverment if it does not work.
  • Articals of Confederation

    The Temporary Goverment that was setup under the need of a non War like goverment. The goal of it is to create a Centralized goverment. For this, it was very loose and the federal goverment could do very little. The Federal goverment could not get Tax, Laws, And even Millitary.
  • Constitutional Convention

    The Goverment Decided to Meet to Fix the problems of the goverment, but Instaid, it was Wipped Clean; a brand new slate. In the Debates, there was plans and Compromises. One of them is the Virginia plan (The Houses based on Population), the New Jersy Plan (1 Person Per state) Which Became the Connedicate Compromise (Both)