civil rights timeline

  • brown v board

    african american kids
    united states supreme court case in which the court declared state laws establishing separated public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional
    declared state sanctioned segregation public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment
  • montegomery bus boycott

    blacks were involved
    protest during which african americans refused to ride city buses in montegomery to protest segregated seating
    results/ achieve; U.S supreme court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional
  • little rock nine

    nine african americans were involved
    they were trying to prevent african americans from enrolling into central high and that school was only for whites
    this was followed by the little rock crisis
  • sit-in

    four young people
    young kids protested at an all white lunch counter in North Carolina
    sparked a push for civil rights
  • freedom riders

    interracial groups where involved, 7 blacks and 6 whites rode a bus to test the supreme court's ruling in boynton v virginia hat declared segregation in interstate bus and rail stations unconstitutional
    the result; the attorney general petitioned the interstate commerce commission to issue a ruling against segregation of interstate facilities
    results; african americans got to ride buses without segregation
  • march on washington

    labor leaders, clergy, liberals, and grassroots workers were part of this event
    thousands of demonstrators from all over the country were transported by buses and trains, it was the largest crowd to ever attend a civil right demonstrations
    result; the march was successful in pressuring the administration of john F. kennedy to initiate a strong federal civil rights bill in congress