Civil Rights Timeline Activity

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    1.) Plessy v. Ferguson
    2.) Oliver Brown's child was one of the group of children denied access to one of Topeka Kansas's white schools.
    3.) The court ruled unanimously that segergation in education was unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat.

    Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat.
    1.) After a long day of work, Rosa Parks denied a white man her bus seat.
    2.) As a result, she was arrested.
  • Emmett Louis Till Murdered

    Emmett Louis Till Murdered
    1.) African-American teenager who was lynched in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman.
  • Events at Little Rock, Arkansas

    Events at Little Rock, Arkansas
    1.) 9 students selected by their grades were chosen to attend a Little Rock high school in attempts to integrate the school. The community broke out in a riot.
    2.) The government selected National Guard Solders to act as a bodyguard for the students to create minimal harassment.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    1.) President Eisenhower
    2.) To ensure every American had the right to vote. Established the Commission of Civil Rights.
  • Black Students stage sit-in at "whites only" lunch counter.

    Black Students stage sit-in at "whites only" lunch counter.
    1.) In Greensboro, North Carolina, was the beginning spark to sit-ins across the nation after these african american students peacefully protested.
  • Attack of The Freedom Riders

    Attack of The Freedom Riders
    1.) Freedom riders were a group of civil rights activists who would ride buses into the american south.
    2.) CORE and ICC
    3.) Anyone with the same opinion would join in the protests regardless of race.
  • James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss

    James Meredith Enrolls at Ole Miss
    1.) Lots or riots broke out.
    2.) Kennedy administration intervened and sent National Guard to stop the riots and forced the admission of James Meredith into Ole Miss.
  • William Moore Slain During One-Man March Against Segergation

    William Moore Slain During One-Man March Against Segergation
    1.) He was shot and killed during his one-man march against segregation planning to deliver a letter to his governor about the matter.
  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    Medgar Evers Assassinated
    1.) African American civil rights activist from Mississippi who worked to overturn segregation at the University of Mississippi and gain social justice and voting rights.
    2.) He was shot in the back while walking up to his house with his children as witnesses.
  • The March On Washington

    The March On Washington
    1.) For Jobs and Freedom in the nation's capital.
    2.) "I have a dream"
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    1.) President Lyndon Johnson
    2.) Ended segergation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • March to Selma

    March to Selma
    1.) In an effort to pass voting rights for african americans.
    2.) Violent resistance from state and local authorities.
    3.) Raised awareness of the difficulty black voters had in the south and the need for a voting rights act.
  • Ben Chester Killed by Klansmen

    Ben Chester Killed by Klansmen
    1.) A plantation worker who had nothing to do with the civil rights movement and his murder was the distraction the KKK wanted to divert attention away from a protest that was going on.
  • Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice

    Thurgood Marshall first black Supreme Court Justice
    1.) Was a counsel for the NAACP
    2.) It showed african americans are capable of bigger than poverty-level jobs and black now had someone to be on their side in major court cases.
  • Three Students Killed when Highway Patrol fire on Protestors

    Three Students Killed when Highway Patrol fire on Protestors
    1.) Samuel Ephesians Hammond Jr., Delano Herman Middleton and Henry Ezekial Smith were shot and killed by police who fired on student demonstrators.
  • The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King

    The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King
    1.) While on his balcony in Memphis, Tennessee, MLK Jr. was assassinated.
    2.) His death marked the end for a massively influential activist in the civil rights movement and everyone had to recuperate afterwards.