Civil rights timeline

  • Brown v Board

    Brown v Board
    this was important because despite that everything was severely segregated, african americans started to gain the desire to enjoy all the accomidations white people were given. this was effective because it allowed african americans to do all that white people were doing (education wise)
  • Emmett TIll Murder

    Emmett TIll Murder
    Emmett Till was a 14 year old boy who was murdered by two white men that witnessed him flirt with a white women. the men were known for commiting the crime but they had assistence from an all white, male jury.
  • Crisis in Little Rock

    Crisis in Little Rock
    this was very important during the civil rights movement because the nine african american students that enjolled into the highschool of little rock stood up for their equal rights without having to approach the situation in a violent way. because of this they were granted the oppurtunity to attend an all-white school.
  • Sit In’s

    Sit In’s
    Four students from north carolina sit down at an all white diner and ask to be served. these students were: David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair, and Joseph McNeil. shortly after many protested in the south.
  • Freedom RIders

    Freedom RIders
    13 african americans and white civil rights activist who rode interstate buses and took multiple trips to protest against segregation.
  • MLK Jr. Marches in Birmingham

    MLK Jr. Marches in Birmingham
    was a movement organized in 1963 by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to bring attention to the integration efforts of African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • Freedom SUmmer

    Freedom SUmmer
    this was a campain in the united states launched to gather as many african american voters in mississippi. at the time, most black people were excluded from voting.
  • Civil RIghts Act

    Civil RIghts Act
    the end of segregation and the start of equality for more races other than one. this meant allowing all african americans to attend the same schools and stores as white people.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy V Ferguson
    it documented proof that all will be equal but all will be seperate based on racical segregation. this was important because it was a change that soon triggered the desire to seek more equality.
  • Civil Rights act of 1968

    Civil Rights act of 1968
    prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin and sex. also known as the fair-housing act.