
Christian and Salty Daltys History Timeline

  • Britian gave support to the Zionest Movment by the Balfour Declaration

    Britian gave support to the Zionest Movment by the Balfour Declaration
    Zionism was created by Theodor Herzel, and it was the movment for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The British government supported this movment by creating the Balfour Declaration which was "Britains full support of establishing a natural home in Palestine for the Jewish Peoiple.
  • Britain recieved the League of Nations mondate over Palestine

    Britain recieved the League of Nations mondate over Palestine
    For the Balfour Decloration to be fufilled Britain had to recieved a mondate over Palestine from the League of Nations, which it got in 1923.
  • Jewish migration to Palestine

    Jewish migration to Palestine
    Over 500,000 Jews had migrated to Plaestine by the year 1938
  • Britain limits Jewish Migration to Palestine

    Britain limits Jewish Migration to Palestine
    Before WWII, Britain limited the Jewish migration to Palestine to appease the Arabs. This angered the Zionests and they claimed it interfeared with the Balfour Declaration.
  • Britain turns Plaestine problem to UN

    Britain turns Plaestine problem to UN
    After WWII thousands of Jews wanted refuge inside Palestines boarders. Britain still kept the gates closed and this angered many. In 1947 British government turned the problem over to the UN. The UN ended British mandate, placed Jerusalem under UN control, and seperated Palecstine into two seperate states.
  • Israel proclaimes Independence

    Israel proclaimes Independence
    Israel proclamied its independence after the UN's decision to remove all British control. The Middle East's only modern democratic state is the Israeli Republic.
  • Israel invades Egypt

    Israel invades Egypt
    Israel forces rush into Egypt to wipe out the guerrilla camps and rebles. These rebles were responsible for the Aqaba Blockade. With the blockade abolished the Gulf of Aqaba was now free to travel.
  • OPEC

    OPEC is created by 6 non arib nations and 7 arib nations. The Purpose was to increase the members of the organizations oil revenues.
  • Arab Nations declare PLO as sole representative of the Palestine people

    Arab Nations declare PLO as sole representative of the Palestine people
    The Arab nations voted unanimously and declared that PLO would be the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestine people, and that also Palestine become a state.
  • Palestine guerrillas enter Lebenon Civil War

    Palestine guerrillas enter Lebenon Civil War
    Leftist Palestine guerrillas fought in Lebenon's civil war against both Lebanese Christians and Lebanese Muslims.
  • US helps create a multinational force to weaken Lebonese Governement

    US helps create a multinational force to weaken Lebonese Governement
    The US, France, Italy, and Britain created a mulitnational group to weaken Lebonses governement. In retaliation to this suicide bombers drove into US bases and killed 299 soldiers.
  • Suicide Bombings

    The United States had joined France, Italy, and Britain in assisting the frail Lebanese government. Two groups (Leftists and Muslims) viewed the group of countries as supporting Lebanese Christians and therefore as the enemy. Suicide bombers drove trucks into United States and French military compounds killing 241 marines and 58 French soldiers.
  • President Reagan withdraws United States Forces

    A year after the suicide bombings in Lebanon, President Reagan withdrew United States military forces from Lebanon. The bombings greatly influenced the way army barracks were protected and situated.
  • North convicted of obstruction

    North convicted of obstruction
    Oliver North was convicted of destroying NSC documents and accepting illegal gifts. But an appeal rulled that the testimony used in court had to be thrown out because it could have been tainted by Congress.
  • Yasir Arafat calls for peace plan between Israel and Palestine

    Yasir Arafat calls for peace plan between Israel and Palestine
    A peace plan between Israel and Palestine was purposed by Yasir Arafat. He accepted the Security Council Resolution 242 and renounce terrorism.
  • Lebannes Parliment meets to Aprove Constitution

    Lebannes Parliment meets to Aprove Constitution
    Muslim and Christian members of parliment met to aprove a new constitution to increase the power of Lebanese Muslim Majority. It also ended the civil war.
  • Poindexter conviced of Obstruction

    Poindexter conviced of Obstruction
    A jury convicted Poindexter of obstructing congress and making false satements to congress.
  • Congress says Yes

    Congress says Yes
    Congress votes to support military action verse Iraq and Kuwait
  • Ruling reversed

    Ruling reversed
    Both North and Poindexter had both of there cases overturned because of there was evidence that their testimonies were tainted in some way.
  • Dessert Storm

    Dessert Storm
    Operation Dessert Storm went into affect, hundreds of soldiers and plans fired upon enemy soldiers in Kuwait in Iraq.