Chapter 20

  • Period: 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Hong Wu overthrew the previous Mongol Dynasty, becoming emperor of his own dynasty. Ming rulers gave China a new era of greatness by rebuilding the Grand Canal, introducing new crops, and setting up a national school system.
  • 1392

    Yi Dynasty Begins

    Yi Song-gye overthrows the Koryo dynasty. It was one of the world's longest lasting monarchies.
  • 1406

    Construction of the Imperial City

    Yong Le, a Ming emperor, ordered the construction of the Imperial City in Beijing. it conveyed power and prestige. It was known as the Forbidden City.
  • Japanese Prohibition of Christianity

    After Francis Xavier brought Christianity to Japan, Jesuits began to destroy local shrines. This caused Hideyoshi to prohibit the practice of Christianity in Japan.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Era Begins

    Tokugawa Ieyasu, daimyo of Edo, takes over Japan. He becomes shogun in 1603 and establishes an era of great peace. This era is also known as the Edo Period.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    Li Zicheng led a peasant revolt against the Ming rulers, taking them out. The Manchus conquered Beijing, defeated Li Zicheng's army, and created the Qing Dynasty.