
APWH Period 3

  • Period: 100 to

    Silla Dynasty

    An extremely long-lasting Korean dynasty that agreed to recognize Tang domination of Korea if the Tang wiithdrew, the Silla entered a tributary relationship, helped increase the Tang's use of tributary relationships. 3.2 A Dynasty/Kingdom was founded
    *Mr. Heider Timetoast wouldn't let me make the Silla start at year 0, sorry.
  • Dec 6, 632

    Birth of Muhammad

    The founder of the faith of Islam, Muhammad was an Arabic merchent who founded both Islam and the Muslim empire. His actions had massive ripple effects throughout history. KC: 3.1 He effectievly created the Dar Al-Islam, which united and increased communication, 3.2 Created an Empire
  • Period: Dec 6, 661 to Dec 6, 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    One of the four major caliphates established after Muhammad's death, eventually gained power and expanded the empire hugely into North Africa, Persia, Spain, and Northern India. Taxed non-Muslims, but was peaceful towards them. Also, was governed almost entrely by Arabs. KC: 3.2 The expansion of a major empire, 3.1 Expanded the Muslim zone of communication
  • Period: Dec 6, 710 to

    Nara Period

    A time period in which one Japanese clan claimed authority and took over, using a similar style of governing as the Tang in China. However Japan did have cultural seperations from China. KC 3.2 The emergence of a dynasty
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbasid Dynasty

    The Abbasid dynasty originally began as a rebellion to the then ruling Umayyad Dynasty of the Dar-Al Islam, but eventually seized power. They focused much less on expanding the empire but rather on uniting it. They moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad, (A key center of wealth and learning) allowed more non-Arabs into the government, boosted trade, founded banks, and promoted urban growth. Their dynasty was eventually toppled by the Mongols in 1258.
  • Period: Dec 6, 1037 to Dec 6, 1194

    Saljuq Turks Control the Abbasids

    After the Abbasids had weakened as a dynasty, the Saljuq Turks, a nomadic people from Central Asia took control of Persia, however they left an Abbasid figurehead, although the Saljuqs were the source of true power, which remain until the Mongols came. KC: 3.2 A effective, if unoffical, change of power within a major kingdom.
  • Period: Dec 6, 1053 to Dec 6, 1204

    The Great Schism

    In a series of events between the West Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Great Schism was the seperation entirely of these two Christian churches, beginning in 1053 with all Catholic churches in Constantinople and ending with Western Crusaders raiding C0nstantinople. Another major event was when the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicatyed eachother. KC: 3.2 A major split in a major religion, and East/West
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Norman Invasion of England

    Wiliam I, the duke of Normandy defeated Harold II of England and becomes the king of England. This was a powerful demonstration of Norman power, a huge moment in England's history, and also set up England and France for the Hundred Years' War. KC: 3.2 A new English monarchy formed
  • Period: Dec 6, 1096 to Dec 6, 1187

    First Crusade

    Spurred by Pope Urban I, French and Norman troops attacked Palestine hoping to capture the holy land, and particularly Jerusalem, for Christianity. Due to Muslim internal chaos, they originally had some success, and even managed to take Jerusalem in 1099. However, soon the Muslims united and began to retake the cities the Crusaders had captured, capturing Jerusalem in 1187.
    KC: 3.2 Major Euro-Muslim interaction and brought technology to Europe, 3.3 A result of a stronger Europe
  • Period: Dec 6, 1202 to Dec 6, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    In this Crusade, Frankish Crusaders actually attecked and captured Constantinople, the seat of Orthodox Christianity. Hugely weakened the Byzantine Empire and created the Great Schism between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. KC: 3.2 Major interactions bewteen Groups/Empires (Europeans and Byzantines)
  • Period: Dec 6, 1206 to Dec 6, 1227

    Reign of Genghis Khan

    Originally a fatherless nomad boy, Ghengis Khan eventually united all of the Mongol tribes and using amazing military tactics conquers Northern China and Persia, forming the base of the Mongol Empire. KC: 3.2 Formed an empire
  • Period: Dec 6, 1206 to Dec 6, 1526

    Sultanate of Delhi

    A series of Muslim dynasties in Northern India. One of the most prominent effects of Islam in India, and it was during this time that SIkhism emerged, a blend of Islam and Hinuism that is still popular today. There wer five dynasties that made up the Sultanate of Delhi. KC: 3.2 Major dynasties, 3.1 A result of mixing cultures
  • Period: Dec 6, 1207 to Dec 6, 1279

    The Mongol Conquest of China

    A slow, brutal invasion of China from the warlike Mongols. Mongols were highly successful and this was the first time in history the Chinese had been conquered. Was the base of the Mongol Empire. KC: 3.2 Created the base of the Mongol Empire
  • Period: Dec 6, 1220 to Dec 6, 1450

    Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe

    A small kingdom in Southern Africa which grew from the city Zimbabwe and came to control the surrounding area. Grew very wealthy off of taxing trade in the area. KC: 3.2 A kingdom formed 3.3 Zimbabwe's power grew due to trade
  • Period: Dec 6, 1230 to Dec 6, 1550

    Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire was a West African Empire that benefitted hugely from the salt and gold trans-Saharan trade with the Muslim Empire. The Emperor Mansa Musa who took a hugely impactful hajj to Mecca was from Mali. KC: 3.2 An Empire formed 3.3 Trade was crucial 3.2 Mansa Musa put Mali/West Africa on the map, so to speak
  • Period: Dec 6, 1260 to Dec 6, 1294

    Reign of Kublai Khan

    A skilled descendant of Genghis Khan who ruled China after the Mongol Empire split. Met Marco Polo and extended Mongol power to Southern China. KC: 3.2 Expanded his Khanate 3.1 Key figure in Marco Polo's writings, helped Europe's communication with China
  • Period: Dec 6, 1269 to Dec 6, 1293

    Marco Polo's trip to China

    Educated much of Europe about Asia and China in particular through the writings of Marco Polo. Also taught Europeans about the Mongols and what life was like outside Europe. KC: 3.1 opened Europe's eyes to the rest of the world
  • Period: Dec 6, 1271 to Dec 6, 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    The Mongol controlled dynasty in China, founded by Kublia Khan. KC: 3.2 Formed the most powerful Khanate after the Mongol Empire split
  • Period: Dec 6, 1312 to Dec 6, 1337

    Reaign of Mansa Musa

    A Muslim Emperor who lead a hajj to Mecca where he gave away massive amount of gold. Helped to show West Africa as Muslim and also put West Africa (Mali) on the map, his hajj boosted trade. Brought back skilled workers to build Mali cities. KC: 3.1 Helped put Mali on the map 3.3 Helped boost trade for Mali and brought value of gold down in Cairo for years
  • Period: Dec 6, 1325 to Dec 6, 1354

    Ibn Battuta's Journey

    A series of travels made by the Muslim Ibn Battuta, gave light to Muslims what the rest of the world was like, the Muslim Marco Polo.
    KC: 3.1 Opened eyes to the rest of the world and paved the way for future travelers.
  • Dec 6, 1330

    The First Bubonic Plague Pandemic

    Due to the Mongol Empire sparking trade, during the 1330's and 1340's which killed almost half of all people infected. Was the most desturctive in Wester China, Arabia, and Europe. KC: 3.2 Came as result of increased trade in the Mongol Empire
  • Period: Dec 6, 1336 to Dec 6, 1405

    Life-span of Tamerlane

    A highly skilled Turko-Mongol general, Tamerlane tried to rebuild the Mongol Empire and parts of West, Central and South Asia, he founded a dynasty which ruled those areas. He was Muslim and even referred to himself as the "Sword of Islam" KC: 3.2 Formed an empire
  • Period: Dec 6, 1337 to Dec 6, 1453

    Hundred Year's War

    A prolonged series of conflicts between the descendants of Wiliam the Conquerer (Kings of England and Dukes of Normandy) and Philip VI and his heirs (France). Eventually the Philip VI and his heirs retained his throne and forced the English out of France. KC: 3.2- Divided England and France, and gave each nationalism
  • Period: Dec 6, 1368 to

    The Ming Dynasty

    The Chinese dynasties after the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty collapsed. A highly stable and successful dynasty which used centralized government, Manadarin officials, and a large standing army. Their economy boomed, particularly in pottery. KC: 3.2 A new Dynasty formed 3.3 Huge economic boom
  • Period: Dec 6, 1405 to Dec 6, 1433

    Zheng He's Expeditions

    Zheng He was a Chinese admiral who led chinese fleets of treasure ships throughout the Indian Ocean and traded. He brought back many goods to China and his expeditions helped spur trade with China from the rest of the world. KC: 3.1 Helped get China a name in trade at the time, created interest 3.2 Boosted China's economy in sea trade
  • Period: Dec 6, 1438 to Dec 6, 1533

    Inca Empire

    The largest empire in Pre-Columbian America. The Incas lived in Western South America and formed a powerful empire in which the Inca people dominated other groups. Had major advancements in math, a complex calendar, advanced roads, and was quite wealthy. Came to an end when the Spanish invaded. KC: 3.2 A major empire formed
  • Dec 6, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Constantinople was the heart of the Byzantine Empire, a hugely concentrated amount of wealth and power without which the Byzantine Empire was extremely fragile. Despite being weakened by Crusaders raiding in 1204, about 250 years later, Constantinople, a city which is incredibly difficult to capture, was finally taken by the Ottomans, and the Byzantine Empire fell. KC: 3.2 The Fall of Constantinople was important because it marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the start of the Ottoman.
  • Period: to Dec 6, 1431

    Kingdom of Angkor

    The largest kingdom in South East Asia, Angkor adopted Hinduism and Buddhism from India which soon became widespread. They had magnificent architecture and Muslims lived there too, and were a major part of the Indian Ocean Sea trade. KC: 3.2 A new kingdom formed
  • Period: to Dec 6, 1235

    The Kingdom of Ghana

    A West African kingdom, grew around the Niger River. Grew wealthy off of trans-Saharan trading gold with Muslim Empire. Soon adoptem Islam. KC: 3.2 A kingdom formed, 3.3 Grew powerful due to trade
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charlemagne

    A highly skilled Frankish king and general, Charlemagne conquered almost all of Western Europe and formed a powerful if short-lasting empire. He converted to Christianity and helped secure Christianity as the faith of Europe. Was crowned by Pope Leo III, the power of the Pope to king stems from that. KC: 3.2 Created a new empire
  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

    Founded by the rebel Li family, the Tang dynasty had major expansionist policies. Their highly productive emperor Tang Taizong also founded Chang'an, an incredibly diverse and large city. They also improved communication, started the tributary system and equal field system, and used buraucracy of merit. Declined from rebellions. KC: 3.2 Founded a new dynasty in China, 3.1 Improved communications within China
  • Period: to Dec 6, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Much less expansionistic and military focused than the Tang, China actually shrunk somewhat during this dynasty. Ran into financial ruin due to sending tribute to neighbors, and terrible generals. Together this created a weak dynasty that survived in southern China until the Mongols ended it.
  • Period: to Dec 6, 1185

    Heian Period

    A time fuedal time period in Japan in which Emporers existed but power was held by the ruling clan, at the time Japan had little of its own culture but adopted much from China. The first novel, however was independantly written during this time, and was also written by a woman. The Period declined when the then in use equal field system became skewed and wealth was unevenly divided. The government fell and a military leader took over (Minamoto.)
  • Period: to

    Sui Dynasty

    After the fall of the Han, an ambitious Duke in Northern China undertoke military campaigns and eventually united the nation, forming the Sui dynasty. They also built the Grand Canal which united China and increased trade. KC: 3.1 Grand Canal increased communication, 3.2 formed new dynasty, 3.3 the Grand Canal boosted trade