Cell Timeline

  • First compund microscope

    First compund microscope
    Zacharias and Hans Janssen created the first compund microscope by combining two convex lenses with a tube.
  • Introducing the word cell

    Introducing the word cell
    Robert Hooke researched and dicovered the cell compistion of of cork and than introduced the word cell to the world of science.
  • Magnifying the microscope

    Magnifying the microscope
    Anton Van Leewuweenhoek improved the magnification of micropscope lenses by polishing lenses.
  • Plants are made of cells?

    Plants are made of cells?
    Matthias Shleiden discovered that plants are as well, made up of cells.
  • Animals to?

    Theodor Schwann discovered that animals are made up of cells as well.
  • All living things come from cells

    Rudolph Virchow came up with the statement that all things come from existing cells.