Ancient Astronomers

  • 100 BCE

    Eratosthenes 276-195 BC

    Eratosthenes  276-195 BC
    He used the sun to measure the earth. He was only 211 miles off the true measurement.This occurred at about 100 BC.He is most widely known as a famous Greek mathematician. What most people donot know is that he is a well known geographer,astronomer and historian.
  • 150

    Claudius Ptolemy 90-168 AD

    Claudius Ptolemy 90-168 AD
    He believed in the geocentric theory.Everything revolved around earth. His mathematical calculations matched his predictions about the movement of the planets. His first major astronomical work was the Algmagest was completed in about 150/ It has reports of astronomical observations that he made over a quarter of a century.c He believed that its subject, the motions of the heavenly bodies, could be explained in mathematical terms.
  • 1500

    Nicholaus Copernicus 1473-1543

    Nicholaus Copernicus 1473-1543
    He discovered the heliocentric system. The earth revolves around the sun. It eventually changed the way scientist looked at the solar system. He started the scientific revolution.
  • 1575

    Tycho Brahe 1546-1601

    Tycho Brahe 1546-1601
    Super Nova never changes with regard to the surrounding stars.In 1575 the king of Denmark financed him and he built an enormous observatory, where he kept meticulous observations of the heavens. , He created some of the most precise observation and measurements that where accurate to 1/2 an arc minute.
  • Johannes Kepler 1574-1630

    Johannes Kepler 1574-1630
    He also agreed the planets revolved around the sun. About 1619 he produced up with the 3 Law's of Motion,Kepler's Law's.These laws helped him be a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution. These laws also provided one of the foundations for Issac Newton's theory of universal gravitation.
  • Sir Issac Newton 1643-1727

    Sir Issac Newton 1643-1727
    Famous for his work on gravity. Newton's laws- foundation of modern physics.About 1666 His work Principia formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that dominated scientists' view of the physical universe for the next three centuries.
  • Albert Einstein 1879-1955

    Albert Einstein 1879-1955
    Proposed a new way of looking at the universe. Around 1916 he discovered the laws of physics and the theory of relativity one of the pillars modern physics. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He is best known to the general public for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation".