Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq attacked Israel, which gained land. Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Egypt blockaded Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive strike. Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    Israel built these settlements in 1967 in order for the Jews to live on the land that was once owned by the Arabs. The Arabs believed that they shouldn't have started to build until there was completely peace and when the whole conflict was over.
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    War of Attrition

    Egypt launches a conflict on Israel to try to get the Sinai Peninsula back from them. The entire conflict began in 1967 but the war began in 1969. It ended in 1970 after the leader of Egypt died and a cease-fire by the United States. There was no clear winner, but Israel kept the territory.
  • War of Attrition- Picture

    War of Attrition- Picture
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria wanted to take back land that they lost to Israel. They chose this day because the Israeli soldiers were off from fighting and celebrating their holiday. Surprisingly, Israel's military was all at it days after the war started, and they pulled off another victory!
  • Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement

    Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
    At the White House in 1979, the leader of Egypt (Anwar al-Sadat) and Israeli leader Menachem Begin signed a peace treaty. It happened months after the Camp David Accords, a similar event. US President Jimmy Carter watches the agreement take place. It called for normalization between the two countries and called for Israel to remove its troops from the Sinai Peninsula and the Suez Canal. Egypt would recognize Israel as a nation as a result.
  • 1982 Lebanon War

    1982 Lebanon War
    Israel invaded Lebanon. They did this to try and get Syrian and PLO forces out of Beirut, where they were fighting. They were able to do that.
  • First Intifada- Picture

    First Intifada- Picture
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    First Intifada

    Palestinians start this in order to show their displeasure at Israel and to try to get some more land. The main people to do this were young people (teenagers for example). Israel's quick and strong response made them win yet again. This event also gave many people an understanding of what the Palestinians were experiencing in their daily lives. The Intifada ended once The Oslo Accords were signed in 1993.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    An agreement reached between Israel and the PLO in Oslo, Norway. Was signed to make the A-I Conflict come to an end and for the PLO and Israel to come to terms. What the leaders did was divide all of their land into three sections, A, B and C. Area A would belong to the Palestinians. Area C belonged to Israel. Area B made the Palestinians have civil control, while Israel would handle security. Bill Clinton, the President of the United States at the time, was in attendance.
  • Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan Sign a Peace Treaty
    Israel and Jordan signed this treaty to define their borders. It took place at Wadi Araba. Again, Bill Clinton was there. The two countries also made peace with each other and soon established good relationships with things such as trade.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    The CDS took place in Camp David. The agreement made was in accordance with The Oslo Accords in 1993. It featured Israel prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. There was no real agreement achieved, but it was one step closer to peace between the two.
  • Second Intifada- Picture

    Second Intifada- Picture
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    Second Intifada

    Ariel Sharon, an Israeli general, went to the Jewish Temple Mount to start to fight against the Muslims (an area important to them too). It because he and many others weren't happy about the lack of progress in creating peace in the area. This was the start of the Second Intifada. Israel killed many people on the Palestinian side. After this event, they also wanted more effort placed on protecting themselves from terrorists. The end date has been debatable (either in 2005 or still going on now).
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    The Arab League created a peace initiative together with Saudi Arabia. Israel would withdraw from all the land it got in the 1967 war. Palestine becomes independent after this.
  • Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
    Israel wanted to build this barrier to separate its people from terrorists in the West Bank. This reduced violence in Israel and protected them since the Palestinians couldn't get in.
  • Roadmap for Peace is Proposed

    Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
    Was proposed by the US (then-president George W. Bush came to the signing), Russia, the countries of the European Union and the United Nations. The "roadmap" was divided into three phases. The goal after all three were completed was for Palestine to become independent and Israel to be safe. So far, only one of the three phases has been completed.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    Sharon thought that Israel should withdraw from the Gaza Strip so it would be easier for Palestinians to govern themselves there. They did accept his request, but unfortunately the amount of violence from there into Israel increased.
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    Hamas, a group in Palestine, had many of its members elected to government positions, knocking out Fatah (another group controlled by the PLO) people. Their views on the conflict were opposite those of the PLO.
  • Lebanon War 2006

    Lebanon War 2006
    Yet another war was started by the group Hezbollah, whose goal was to destroy Israel. They were allies of Iran and Syria. Tons of people were killed and cities and towns were destroyed. Israel would later retaliate.
  • Battle of Gaza

    Battle of Gaza
    After the conflict between Hamas and the PLO/Fatah, Hamas attacked them in Gaza. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas dissolved the Hamas government.
  • The Gaza War- Picture

    The Gaza War- Picture
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    The Gaza War

    Israel attacks Hamas back to try and disrupt the violence they had been doing on themselves. It was a huge hit Hamas and the city of Gaza as well.
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt decide to have a rule that said for them to inspect all goods coming into Gaza City because of Hamas' numerous attacks and that ships could not directly sail into there. Turkey broke the rule and people from there were killed.
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    The Arab Spring

    A series of protests and riots that took place in Arab states surrounding the possibility of switching to a democratic government. Some presidents of certain countries left their nation after this happened. Protests occurred in nations Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.
  • The Arab Spring- Picture

    The Arab Spring- Picture