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  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Divides the world between Portugal and Spain it leads to "discovery" of the America's
  • 1497

    John Cabot

    He lands in North America
  • 1513


    Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain
  • 1524

    Exploring the Coast

    Verranzono explores the North American Coast
  • Period: 1539 to 1542

    Soto's Exploration

    Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River Valley
  • Period: 1540 to 1542

    Coronado Explores

    Coronado explores what will later be the Southwestern United states
  • 1565

    St. Augustine

    The Spanish found the city of St. Augustine in Florida
  • 1579

    California Coast

    Sir Francis Drake explores the Coast of California
  • Period: to


    The lost colony and tree carving.
  • Jamestown

    The British establish their Jamestown Colony. Later in 1619, they began to have a representative assembly aka the House of Burgesses. ADD MORE HERE
  • Quebec

    The French established their colony in Quebec
  • North American Claims

    The United Provinces establish claims in North America
  • Tobacco to Virgina

    Tobacco cultivation is introduced to Virginia by Rolfe
  • Slaves To British America

    First African slaves are brought to British America.
  • Plymouth and Mayflower

    The Plymouth Colony is founded and the Mayflower Compact is signed due to a majority agreed ruling.
  • New York

    New York is founded by the Duth
  • Period: to

    "City Upon a Hill"

    Here we have the perfect, puritan, society. The governor is John Winthrop. They focused on schools. Here is where Anne Hutchison and Roger Williams get banished due to breaking religious regulations. Roger Wiallmas goes on to found Rhode Island and Anne is killed by Native Americans. ADD MORE HERE
  • Maryland

    for profit and propietorship
  • #Banished

    Roger Williams is banished from the City upon a hill.
  • Connecticut

    is founded
  • Rhode Island

    Is founded by the banished Roger Williams and (Harvard Colledge is founded.)LOOK WHERE IT WAS FOUNDED
  • Delaware

    is founded and has the first church and first school
  • Period: to

    Navigation Acts

    WEre enacted by Parliament and limited trade as well as put a tax on items in the colonies
  • Half Way Covenant

    Puritans become more open due to new immigration from different groups
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Took place in Virginia. Bacon wants to have frontier protection from Gov. Berkeley First uprising against the British ADDMOREHERE
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by Quaker William Penn. It has the 1st library
  • Salem

    The Salem witch trials
  • Parliamentary Act

  • Period: to

    Colonial Restrictions

    They got restrictions on their manufacturing
  • Period: to


    reason, natural rights, John Locke GO OVER THIS LOOK IT UP
  • Period: to

    WUeen Anne's War

  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

    War of Spanish SUccession I guess
  • Period: to

    Great Awakening

    Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,
  • Molasses Act

    not strictly enforced
  • Zenger Trial

    Freedom of the press?
  • Period: to

    King George's War

    war of Austrian sucession
  • Albany Plan of Union

    for defense/fails and shows the disunity of the colonies
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    Over the Ohio River Valley.
  • Treaty of Paris

    ends the French and Indian war/French oose all territory.
    • Paxton Boys Rebellion – dissatisfied about frontier protection in PA
    • Proclamation of 1763 restricts settlement west of the Appalachians
    • Pontiac’s Rebellion – tribes organize against British movement
  • Sugar Act #NoTaxationWithoutRepresentation

    to raise revenue and get rid of englsih debt.
  • Stamp Act

  • Quartering Act

  • Townshend Achts

  • Boston Massacure

  • Committed of Correspondence

  • Tea Act

    Tea Party
  • INtolerable ACts